C25K running starter

Looking for friends who are just starting C25K in the New Year.


  • KMartin_1977
    KMartin_1977 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm starting 10k
  • Disneygirl23
    Disneygirl23 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started and totally feel how out of shape I am. Love the feeling of accomplishment when i complete the task. Just literally just got off the treadmill and finished a session. Had to do three minutes of running without stopping. It was tough, but boy am i proud of what i can do. I lost 50 pounds last year and have my eye on another 35 this year. Im hoping to meet my goal and do something I've always dreamed of, running in a 5k. Good luck to you on this journey!!!
  • RecurveRoxy
    RecurveRoxy Posts: 16 Member
    Hi auranya, I'm starting C25K tomorrow! I've been going to the gym regularly for the past few months but hate cardio (I mainly do resistance workouts at the gym) so I'm hoping that I can learn to love running :D

    Good luck to us all ;)