Just saying hi

ieroen Posts: 77 Member
Hey everyone! B) I discovered MFP about 3 weeks ago. I've been checking out these forums and realized that the vibe here feels really supportive and positive. :) For those that are interested in doing some reading, here's where I'm coming from:

The past 6 years, I've sorta gone on and off with half-executed projects. I always started with extensive research, then putting that into practice for a while, but never following through. Somehow I always fell back into old habits. I'm frustrated by this, and I suspect that the underlying reason is that I never really learned discipline.

Genetically speaking, I'm a lucky guy. I'm tall (197cm / 6.5ft) with an athletic build and I used to be blessed with a metabolism that would keep me at a lean 10% - 12% bodyfat, no matter what I did. Even though I didn't pay any attention to my fitness, I spent my twenties with a sixpack. So I guess it made me lazy in that area.

As I entered my thirties, that lucky streak ended with a vengeance.... :neutral: Suddenly I couldn't just eat whatever I wanted anymore. Now I'm 35 and I let myself get to around 20 - 25% bodyfat (I'm guessing). My BMI is 24.9 which is almost overweight. It hasn't gotten completely out of hand just yet, but I still feel super embarrassed.

To me, discovering MFP is a fresh chance to make some positive changes, to start living more attentively and get in better shape again. Hopefully for good this time. I just want to finally do it right and get to a place where I can feel good about myself again. :#


  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Welcome to the awesomeness that is MFP.
    You can achieve some amazing things.
  • germanshepher1
    germanshepher1 Posts: 4 Member
    Same here man. It sounds just like me but the only thing to do is look up. That's just what I say but that's an opinion but abs are a fact and no one can change that. That was me trying to be funny:) I'm down with positivity!