Advice for someone who has 125lbs to lose!



  • jvanessa89
    jvanessa89 Posts: 332 Member
    What works as far as diet and exercise for one person may not work for you, so I would suggest trying different healthy foods and finding out which ones you really love and what exercise you enjoy and will stick to. I eat a lot of the same foods over and over but I love them so it's something I can stick with and I don't feel deprived. I eat a lot of protein, healthy fats, and fruits & veggies. I don't enjoy going to the gym that much but I love walking in the nature, swimming, and dancing around the house so I do those types of things and some strength training. Most importantly though, believe in yourself and have a positive mindset about weight loss. If you really want this and don't ever give up, you will certainly succeed but it will take patience and commitment and it's important to love yourself through the whole process. I've lost 115 pounds over the past year so far and it was something that seemed impossible before but with the right mindset it's not as hard as I would have thought. I believe anyone can do this. I wish you the best with your journey! :)
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Embrace plateaus. It took me about 8 years to drop 90 lbs. I went a few years with no weight loss and some with gaining. I had lots of life changes throughout the years. Bad marriage, bad job, moved a couple of times and lost my dad to a long illness. I let my weight creep up a few times, but got back on board after a while. After maintaining that loss for a few years, I went off track and steadily gained 5-10 lbs a year. I'm working on getting it off and it's taken this year of logging all my food - regardless of how much I eat to get back on track.

    As others have said, don't do something you cant maintain for the long haul. Realize life happens, so enjoy occasional treats and make small sustainable changes. Those little changes add up to significant changes.

    And eat your vegetables! It's what works for me.

    I have no advice for saggy skin - I'm 55 and doubt I'll ever get rid of my gut. But I will say that weight lifting has given me a better body than miles and miles of running.

    Best part about being a 'normal' weight. Flying was no longer embarrassing, and frustrating; I fit in the seat! Running for the bus, taking the stairs and general all around better fitness. And confidence! That's the best part.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    It's all been said. Log everything. Be honest when you log. Try not to get frustrated. We all go overboard . Don't let a bad meal turn into a bad day/week. Set time aside to workout daily and commit. You ARE worth it. Revel in your daily/weekly accomplishments. Buy new clothes when necessary (it rocks)! I've been in maintenence for over 3 years. I'm proud of my accomplishments- I will keep re-vamping my workouts so they don't get boring. The perks? When you look AND feel great!
  • 75poundstogo
    75poundstogo Posts: 99 Member
    I have 75 pounds to lose, about 20 lbs into it, 6 months in. My biggest piece of advice is dont try to schedule your weightloss. I went three months in hard and consistent. I ran into a stressful 2 months when I had to put weightloss to the side... now picking it back up committed after Jan 1. Try to focus on making each DAY great. Dont get overwhelmed thinking about a great week, month, year... just focus on the day and the weight will come off. Thats how i lost 20 lbs in 3 months. Cheers and keep at it/focused
  • creationscrown
    creationscrown Posts: 298 Member
    Just take it ONE POUND at a time. That's all you need to look at. Also, don't stress if you don't get work outs in. Lots of people here have lost lots of weight without exercise.
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