Looking for weight loss buddies for motivation

Hello!! My names Ashley.. I live in Southern Cali.. I'm 25 and I'm currently starting over on this weight loss journey after I fell off track due to a few injuries.. better late than never right?

My ultimate goal is to lose 75 lbs. I'm currently at 226.7 and am aiming for an ultimate goal of 150. I've followed a keto diet before and was really successful so I am starting that once again. I'm also in the gym 4x a week. I'm just ready to get this mind and body right!! Who's with me?!!

I'm hoping to meet people who have similar goals or just want to motivate each other! Feel free to add me, message me.... I also have an instagram dedicated just to this journey so feel free to add me! @mommy.on.a.mission16 i will be posting on there regularly as my journey and progress continues!

Good luck to all and hope to befriend some of you!


  • jacquelineh388
    jacquelineh388 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey!! I've recently started the keto diet as well! Last week actually. This is my second attempt. I loved it the first time, just wish I kept to it. Good luck on your keto journey!!
  • nikkysoicee
    nikkysoicee Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! So I just had my first son in October and I believe that is the heaviest and most uncomfortable I have ever been I weighed in today at 207 only 5 feet 6 inches tall and 24 years young I am considered obese I do not want to be like this ever again I want to set a good example for my son, be happy and comfortable 150 here I come! also I spend 24/7 mostly at home no friends my family is far away and my husband I don't think I understands how I feel about my body I would love to have motivation and support on this app
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Hi! feel free to add me!

    Also, MFP has a really active keto group if you wanted to check that out as well.