Warning: TMI!


So I busted my knee earlier today, AND started my period (the TMI part) and now feel the need to binge eat! I am doing EVERYTHING I can to NOT put my credit card number in to pizza hut's online ordering system and ordering one of their desserts complete with pizza rolls and pasta and cheese sticks... HELP!

I know this is just a craving and it will pass... but every other time I have cravings I go for a run, since I can't do that right now I want to cry!


  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    drink a glass of water or two that should make the craving pass
  • grantsmom08
    grantsmom08 Posts: 82 Member
    is there something else like a movie that you might want to enjoy? or fill yourself with healthier options instead? best of luck, the cravings can be really tough!
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Try healthier options. Like cook your own pizza with a thin crust, veggies, hummus or homemade guacamole for the sauce and cheese. Make a light dessert or treat yourself to a skinny cow. Get some awesome fruits to snack on. Do something that fills that craving without the damage. That's what I do because this is how I plan to live for the rest of my life and white knuckling through it never helped anyone succeed.
  • kellymarie619
    I like to surf the Success Stories section of the message boards. Five minutes of seeing peoples success pictures and the cravings usually pass.
  • apapandrea
    apapandrea Posts: 30
    have a small snack- something sweet but light- sorbet, fruit, something like that! then maybe do 10 minutes of arm punches (just punching your arms forward rapidly), it'll give you a little fitness boost and you'll also get your sweet craving out of the way!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    brush your teeth!!
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    This is the second post I've read about pizza attack in the last 5 minutes. Funny thing is...I just had Pappa Murphys pizza. I'm no help..sorry. :frown:
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I agree... can you make your own pizza? Have a Skinny Cow icecream? It seems you're falling back on those old habits we all have of turning to food to make us feel better. Does binging on pizza actually MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER? I've found that it really doesn't...
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    Oh...I like the "brush your teeth" idea.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I always want to binge eat right before I get my period! Don't do it! Push the complete entry button on MPF. Solidify in your mind that you are done eating for the night. I was home alone tonight with Snickers Ice Cream calling my name in the freezer (it's my TOM too), but instead I wrote down my calorie count (I keep track on a paper calendar) and told myself I was done. It worked! Distract yourself with some water or tea. Make your credit card inaccessible somehow -- put it in an envelope and seal it; then tie some ribbons around it or something... whatever you have to do to keep it away from the Pizza Hut man! Maybe you could binge on carrots instead. :) Hang in there.
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    go take a bath listen to music with candles or read...or call a friend. Once when I was having a craving for McDonalds, I was headed out the door, purse on my arm and everything. My friend called and 20 min of talking to her, the craving passed. Plus, she 'talked me down.' :) Have some tea, hot or cold.
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    YAY! It passed! Thank you guys so much! I ended up hobbling to the kitchen to cut up some watermelon! It's funny, after I took about 3 bites, I realized that I'm more depressed about my knee than hungry (and the cramping isn't helping!) I'm SO glad that I didn't order all of that crap!

    I think that maybe I've conditioned myself for SO long to pig out when I'm on my period or depressed and now that I am dealing with both, my mind automatically went to all of that junk food that I've tried SO hard to forget about!

    Don't get me wrong, 5 more total inches and I WILL order my pizza but at least I know now that I really don't have to eat an entire pizza when 1-2 slices will suffice! And I'll probably still stay away from the dessert and cheese sticks :)
  • PrincessSparkle5253
    Totally agree-in fact, that's why i'm on here right now ;)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Don't do it, you'll hate yourself later. Go find something in the fridge or whatever that you know you SHOULD eat. Stay away from any sites or TV shows that remind you of your favorite foods. Think healthy healthy healthy. Possibly eat little bits of GOOD Healthy food at a time to keep yourself from getting hungry. You can do it, stay strong!! :wink:
  • r3451
    r3451 Posts: 19
    I agree... can you make your own pizza? Have a Skinny Cow icecream? It seems you're falling back on those old habits we all have of turning to food to make us feel better. Does binging on pizza actually MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER? I've found that it really doesn't...

    You don't have a Cici's down there, do you? haha!
  • soguesswhat
    soguesswhat Posts: 18 Member
    Way to go for fighting it off!! I know the craving has passed, but I wanted to share my latest way to ignore my cravings - I do my nails! lol It sounds weird, but I enjoy doing nail art, it's a nice distraction, and when my nails are wet I don't want to touch anything (like the computer or the phone to dial Pizza Hut!) that would derail me. And, you don't need your knee to do it! :)