Starting Again..For the final time ;) Looking for Friends!

Trish29 Posts: 2 Member
Hi all! I am not new to MFP, but I have always stayed to myself on the boards. I lost 30 pounds a few years ago by logging but I have gained it all back and then some, so I am thinking maybe I need to get involved more with other MFP users.

Looking to connect more with others who have similar goals: weightloss and to enjoy life to the fullest!

Please feel free to add me as a friend :)

I am female, 5'4", and 260ish...


  • crystaldz_2000
    crystaldz_2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Lol. If I knew how to add I would add you. I'm also 5'4 and 257 pounds. My goal currently is to lose 30 pounds by June. I too do well when I log and am new at reaching out to other members. We can help motivate each other! Add me if you would like to or know how. Haha
  • jellybuby
    jellybuby Posts: 37 Member
    In the same boat! Would love to make some new mfp friends to make it a bit less boring logging onto this I'm 5'5 and 207 but started at 250 a couple years back. Want to lose at least 50 more before my birthday in may! Gonna try work out how to add as it seems different!