Anyone vegetarian and ready to go vegan?!?

As a vegetarian for three years now it's already hard enough to go out to eat or go to friends and eat and now wanting to go vegan for more reasons then one, and even my doctors say it's extremely hard to be vegan for not just that reason but many reasons because of little food choices and so on. Any advice on how I can get this going, and be successful?!?! Is it an all hands on deck situation or a gradual situation?!?


  • hiker583
    hiker583 Posts: 91 Member
    I have been vegetarian all my life, and do not find it hard at all, could be partly because I like to cook and am not really fond of eating out. Though I am not vegan, but in last couple of years I have also reduced consumption of dairy products, honey etc. I slowly started cutting down, e.g. first replaced daily milk with soy milk which was easy enough. Then cut down on yogurt, replaced cheese which other types of break spreads which was little difficult. Now I do find it very difficult to be fully vegan, but I think I have cut down on dairy by more than 60%. Perhaps you could also try doing this in bits.
  • littlesugar13
    littlesugar13 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been vegan for I believe 7 years.
  • ieroen
    ieroen Posts: 77 Member
    I'm hearing often that milk is not that good for a person, that it causes inflammations in your body, etc. I cut out milk for about 3 or 4 years now and it was the easiest thing ever. Rice milk is great on everything: cereal, coffee, protein shakes... Just for cooking sauces it's too watery. Almond milk is a little creamier and less calories, but in coffee it kinda breaks up like spoilt milk, which looks disgusting. :D That said, it seems like cheese is extremely addictive stuff for me. I'm trying to let it go since I started tracking calories, but it's pretty hard... :(