Accountability Partner needed

Hi, my name is Kristin I have two kids and like every mother need to lose that baby weight. I have tried in the past and failed. Now I am tired of the failure! I want to be a real mother to my kids and not the person I am currently! However I lack one thing accountability. I do have my wonderful husband but him and have failed at keep each other accountable for our weight loss. I would love a new friend to help us, and together lose the weight we all dread.


  • hfarkasRVT
    hfarkasRVT Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Kristin!! I'm Hailey, nice to "meet" you! I totally need the same thing as you. I am a mom to two beautiful little girls, but unlike you, I am going through a divorce. Tge breakdown of my marriage took a huge toll on me emotionally and physically. This year is dedicated to getting myself back on track physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Let me know if you are interested in holding each other accountable!!!
    Goodnight! :)
  • clarinetkid4ever
    clarinetkid4ever Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like a wonderful plan, I am all for dedicating this year to being the year of getting myself on track <3
  • vanderzwan
    vanderzwan Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Haley & Christin
    Although I am not in your age bracket (69) I need an accountability partner as well. Our son recently went through a horrible divorce that affected my husband & I emotionally. I dealt with the situation by eating. It is so sad to see your son & grand kids go through this painful experience. Things are much better so I am on my way to track and be committed to lose 30lbs. I am learning this forum. I can't figure out how to respond to just one person? Happy New Year. Always fun to find what state a person lives in. We live in CA.