Postpartum weight loss

Hi everyone! I am 6 weeks postpartum and ready to get back into the swing of thing! I stayed healthy throughout my pregnancy but would like to shed some more lbs (20-30lb). Anybody else in a similar situation? I would love some new friends for motivation for one another!


  • shelbybolin
    shelbybolin Posts: 3 Member
    I am also 6 weeks post partum! I've been looking for a post like this! Is there a community somewhere that I am not seeing or do I just have to keep looking for posts similar to this?

    I started at 145 and ended up giving birth at 205!!! Holy mackerel, right? LUCKILY I just have crap genes and had tons and tons of water retention. My diet was not very different while pregnant and I walked about 3 - 4 miles a day average, although I did stop going to the gym. Now at 6 weeks pp (on Tuesday Jan 3) I have about 20lbs to go to pre-pregnancy weight. I have eaten absolutely horrendously the last week and a half so I am sure that stalled things.

    Do you formula feed or breast feed? I pump my breastmilk and then bottle feed. I pump an average of 50 ounces a day so I am trying to experiment with diet because they say the general rule is "20 calories burned per 1 ounce of breast milk" so we shall see!

    I've got my 6 week pp check up this next week and once I get the clear I'll be focusing on exercise and diet a lot more.

    Wow that was a doozy ;) im glad I found this post. Good luck with your goals!
  • AshuhleeMarie
    AshuhleeMarie Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 12 weeks PP! I didn't gain much during my pregnancy, but I did have a lot to lose even before. So far, I'm down 31 pounds from my PRE-pregnancy weight, which is exciting! Hoping to lose another 40-45 pounds this year, and start incorporating excersise into my routine. I'm breastfeeding, (pumping once i return to work next week) so I try to eat around 1600 cals to make sure my supply doesn't dip. I'm adding you ladies because I've been on the search for nursing moms trying to lose some weight!
    Congratulations, by the way ;)
  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    EP mom of 7 mo old trying to loss weight and be healthy!
  • Makeitso39
    Makeitso39 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I am 5 month pp my second child and am EBF. I have 28 pounds more to lose. I have been exercising for 10 weeks and had only lost 7 pounds, just started counting calories this week. I don't know if I should add calories for bf as I have no idea how much she consumes!
  • amykff
    amykff Posts: 80 Member
    Hi ladies, im 6 weeks post partum on my 2nd baby also and have about 20lbs to lose! After expressing milk for a few weeks im now formula feeding. I used this app a couple of years ago religously and lost about 50lbs! Would love some friends in same boat x
  • Mrs_Olson
    Mrs_Olson Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm 9 months PP of my second child and breastfeeding/pumping. I didn't gain too much during pregnancy but I've plateaued and would like to lose 25 more lbs. the weight just came off while breastfeeding my first so this is frustrating. Just jumped back on My Fitness Pal today to help boost my success.
  • heriwen
    heriwen Posts: 13 Member
    8 months pp here and about 40 lbs to lose (I'm only 10 above my pre-pregnancy weight currently) ebf and worried about supply! Would love to connect with you all.
  • thatgirlbillie
    thatgirlbillie Posts: 1 Member
    My little one is 6 months old, and I'm exclusively BFn, however I'm now starting her on some purees. I am at 155 and need to be at 135. Hoping this app can help. I've heard some say it burns 300 calories a day, and others say like 500... ??
  • greatatboats
    greatatboats Posts: 28 Member
    My little one is 6 months old, and I'm exclusively BFn, however I'm now starting her on some purees. I am at 155 and need to be at 135. Hoping this app can help. I've heard some say it burns 300 calories a day, and others say like 500... ??

    I don't honestly know myself because I don't have/don't want any children, but I will say that there are a boatload of entries for "breastfeeding" as a food with -500 calories.
  • Gemapps
    Gemapps Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm 16 weeks pp and need to lose about 35lb I'm ebf. I can't figure out how to add friends on this but please add me I need more buddies to help me stick to my diet. My diet is my weak point I'm a sugar addict. I've got to see a pp physio as well because of a traumatic birth so I'm not cleared for strenuous exercise yet xx