suppose to look like a model

I'm a 6'2 tall women who's always had a pretty face and very long nice legs, people said you should be a model... yeah but i replied I like to eat.... so I got along just fine all these years being a size 13/14 and happy as a lamb, but in the last 4 yrs I've gained 60 pounds. and am not very happy with myself, so I've given up a lot on weight loss.... but like a lot of people I'm really starting to feel unhealthy and sick, I live with someone who likes my home cookin, but he's gettin fat too...and now has health problems, my biggest issue is emotional eating... I need a buddy to encourage me, if there's anyone out there, I'd be grateful.
east county women.


  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    You are SUPPOSED to do what works for your life and your body.

    There is no shame in exercising, taking care of yourself and eating well so that you feel good and have a high quality of life. It doesn't have to be about looking like people think that you should.

    Or...maybe I have missed your point?
  • Lisa_ASD_Mummy
    Lisa_ASD_Mummy Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, as the above poster said concentrate on being happy and healthy, don't worry about what you should/ shouldn't look like.

    Emotional eating is hard to stop, you need to teach yourself new habits and habits take time to form, you can do it and you will get there.

    Happy for you to add me if you need a friend :smile:
  • Leejames_1984
    Leejames_1984 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Lee - I'm from the UK so probably not the best person to help you geographically :smile: but psychologically and mentally, I'm more than happy to provide encouragement and support. At my heaviest I was 107kg and then I went down to 84kg in a year. I'm now back up at 92kg - which has really disappointed me, however I've learned that you cannot put yourself under so much pressure. You need both long and short term goals. Where do you want to be in 1 month, 6 months, 1 year. Set yourself quick and easy wins along the way. Weekly challenges that make you say "well done me!", even if it's not having a second serving of pie or walking to the local shops rather than driving. All the little things help and over a short period of time, the little things will develop into bigger things. The human race seems so quick to judge and criticise but sometimes we forget to actually give ourselves a pat on the back. Everyone responds to praise and the first time someone says to you 'wow, have you lost weight? you're looking really good' - It's a great feeling that will stick with you for a long time.

    Good luck, stay motivated but don't put yourself under any undue stress. Life is for living at the end of the day!

    Lee, UK :smile:
  • LisaSchneider1
    LisaSchneider1 Posts: 7 Member
    well as you all can see (if you can see this) its been since january with my post and now a reply.... Lee that was was what I needed... I think I will start with short term goals week by week, and if I fail that, I'll go by day... thank you .