Need to lose 30lbs by May

Please help I battle with weight gain!!


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If you have 30 pounds to lose total - it's not going to happen by May. The closer you get to goal, the slower you will lose. Sorry.

    Pound per week goals
    75+ lbs set to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs set to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs set to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs set to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs set to lose 0.5 lbs range

    Plug your stats into MFP, eat the number of calories provided. If you exercise, log that and eat 50-75% of those calories too.

    Set a reasonable goal, eat foods you enjoy......but stay accountable. Measure & log everything. You will lose weight AND gain knowledge about portions that will help you keep the weight off.

    You can do this!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Eat less.
    Eat veggies ( cabbage, zucchinis)
  • Insain1
    Insain1 Posts: 25 Member
    We all battle with weight gain myself included. What have you done to try and control this? Eating exercising? I can just look at food and gain weight. Having the same like minded people around who motivate you helps and a bit of healthy competition. Join others or even add me if you like im new to adding people i usually go solo but think i need motivation too.