what are your favourite meals to eat when trying to lose weight?

what are your favourite meals and snacks to eat when trying to lose weight?


  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    Anything that keeps me somewhat full for longer than 30 minutes. I love roasting veggies (broccoli carrots & cauliflower together). I'm eating more plant based at the moment so not as much meat although sometimes I like grilled salmon. I think I got really sick of chicken trying to eat "healthy" so I began eating what sounded good more often. I found some really good quinoa/oat blends of hot cereal that are good..usually I will add a scoop of Vega chocolate protein in that. I love poached eggs on whole wheat bread.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Curry or pizza. I love both.

    The type of food doesn't matter as long as you eat less calories than you burn.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I have eaten pizza every week since I started in September. Other than that I eat a large variety of foods and attempt to eat more fruits and veg.
  • FLBeachluvr
    FLBeachluvr Posts: 110 Member
    I also love roasted veggies (zucchini, red peppers, sweet onions & baby carrots). The pre-made frozen riced cauliflower is a new favorite of mine as well as I like to mix it with other veggies or use it to make a mock "fried rice". Snacks are high protein things like sliced turkey, string cheese or Greek yogurt. For me, I cannot eat the same things I do when my weight is on the upswing as I have trouble with portion control. 1 ounce of potato chips just won't cut it so I avoid them or else find an alternative like Pop Chips were I can have a more satisfying amount. My favorite breakfast is a slice of Dave's Killer Powerseed bread topped with some avocado and egg substitute and sriracha.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yesterday, I went to Longhorn Steakhouse....I had a 6 oz sirloin and sliced tomatoes with a little side of Italian dressing for the tomatoes. I would have had some of their wheat bread if they'd had any. LOVE IT.

    Grilled chicken quesadilla's, garlic chicken or sesame chicken, roast beef with mashed potatoes and green beans.

    As for snacks - I have a dorm fridge in my laundry room that has Greek yogurt, light string cheese, water, apples in it. Next to it is my snack box that has snack bags of pretzels, little "Jif to go" packets, peanut butter cracker pkgs, protein bars - things that are about 100 calories each. That way - I have a safe zone to go get something to munch on - and it's not in the kitchen where the other junk is. The funny thing is - the rest of the family has started raiding it. Then the other day, my youngest came in here with something and said, "Is this healthy?" It was a small bottle of Sunny D. I told her for her, it was probably reasonably healthy since she doesn't have it all the time. SHe said, "Then I don't want it." And set it down and walked away. LOL
  • Prince_of_Mind
    Prince_of_Mind Posts: 21 Member
    Weight watchers meals are the best.
    Lasagna for 350 calories? Yes please!
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    My meals are not the same as when I was fat but they are ones I enjoy. Some of my more common meals include chicken breast, turkey breast, salmon, tuna, steak, pork chops, shrimp, calamari, chicken sausage, swai fillets, eggs, mushrooms, roasted asparagus, roasted green beans, roasted okra, black beans, sweet potatoes, rice, salsa, blackberries, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt (usually mixed with chocolate whey), halo top icecream...
  • I have became addicted to Turkey tenderloins wrapped in bacon.....Yummy:)
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    I make egg drop soup with lots of celery, onion, and mushrooms in addition to the egg. Start off with 2 cups of water. Sometimes I add an ounce or 2 of chicken. Another is pasta shrimp veggies with garlic sauce. The biggest and most important is that I weigh all the ingredients so I can log it. Keeps me on track. My kitchen scale is worth its weight in gold as far as keeping my portion control accurate.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    what are your favourite meals and snacks to eat when trying to lose weight?

    You can go to my profile and my Instagram is there, go check it out ... (it's all food)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I eat the same foods I always did just in appropriate portion sizes for my goal.
    Things I typically eat:
    Breakfast- Greek yogurt, granola bars, cereal with milk, sandwich, dinner leftovers, fruit, cottage cheese
    Lunch- sandwich, salad, or dinner leftovers
    Dinner- something different every night of the month. I have soup once a week usually.
    Snacks- things like fruit, chips, popcorn, pretzels, chocolate, cookies, granola bar, carrots, celery, broccoli, trail mix, deviled eggs, pickles, cottage cheese
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I eat anything that fits in my macros.
  • shellyae
    shellyae Posts: 34 Member
    Chicken with a 1/2 cup rice and steamed broccoli.
    Breakfast - 1 egg poached on a slice of Sara Lee 45 & delightful wheat bread with a little avocado, mustard, tomato and spinach leaves.
    I will sometimes put several chicken breasts in a slow cooker on Sunday and use it through out the week - add 2 ounces to a frozen meal (prefer Healthy Choice), top a salad with it, make a chicken salad sandwich (low calorie mayo), etc.
    Snacks - string cheese or babybel, 6-7 almonds, fruit, popcorn, a few ounces of cooked shrimp, raw carrots, 1 pc. of Dove dark chocolate (just enough to take care of the craving).
  • meeshymoosh
    meeshymoosh Posts: 23 Member
    Anything that keeps me somewhat full for longer than 30 minutes. I love roasting veggies (broccoli carrots & cauliflower together). I'm eating more plant based at the moment so not as much meat although sometimes I like grilled salmon. I think I got really sick of chicken trying to eat "healthy" so I began eating what sounded good more often. I found some really good quinoa/oat blends of hot cereal that are good..usually I will add a scoop of Vega chocolate protein in that. I love poached eggs on whole wheat bread.

    I love Vega! I'll have to try the Vega All-In-One mixed with oatmeal. I was thinking about mixing it with my greek yogurt to get in all those extra greens and probiotics, now I've got to. <3

    To answer the question, I try to eat hearty, filling meals that will keep me full for as long as possible. Chili, curries, stews, casseroles. I try to push as many veggies into my recipes as I can sneak as I am cooking for my husband as well who balks at most veggies unless it's mixed in. I usually make things he will enjoy, then throw some veggies in the oven to bulk out my meal.

    My big thing right now is roasted veggies. Olive oil, salt, pepper and broccoli/cabbage/green beans/cauliflower...I love the savoriness of it and it's very nutrient-dense. I'm trying to switch these for mindless snacking when I'm sitting in front of the computer or studying. For the work week I meal prep 5 days: breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. It's a huge time saver and a relief to know I've got all of my meals pre-calculated in terms of calories.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have became addicted to Turkey tenderloins wrapped in bacon.....Yummy:)

  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I like meals with a lot of vegetables, but I always have. Soups, stir fries, proteins with veggies on the side, or things like taco salad.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    I eat a lot of white meat chicken tacos and beef jerky.
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    edited January 2017
    Plain grilled meats & steamed veggies.

    I have learned to add cauliflower to make lower calorie mashed potatoes. All the creaminess waaaayyy fewer calories.

    I have also discovered Fiber One brownies. 90 calories, very chocolatey & a big plus / need for me, 5 g of fiber.