Hey! Need some friends/motivation

Hey guys!
I'm 21 and 180lbs. My goal is 120lbs. I'm 5'6 and I used to have good body mass/bmi. My weight has fluctuated my whole life (smallest at 113, biggest now). I struggled with an eating disorder in the past and don't want to go down that road again.
I was 135 before I got pregnant and I'm now 6 months post partum. I have motivation in my head but not in my actions. I used to love working out but I can't seem to find the push I need to get back on track. My eating habits are horrible and I've never eaten this poorly before.
I'm looking to befriend fellow moms, people with histories of eating disorders, and helpful motivators. Thank you guys for reading!


  • ThisTaylor
    ThisTaylor Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 21 as well! My goal is 120 too. although, I'm not a mom, I am a great motivator! Currently I am 150 :( It's been a long struggle....
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I am a mom to a darling 11 year old daughter whom I home school...You are more than welcome to add me
  • amgilroy1112
    amgilroy1112 Posts: 13 Member
    Send me a request. I need as many people as I can get so I can stay responsible and keep on track.
  • Nursemommy84
    Nursemommy84 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 32, mom to 8, weigh 185 goal is 140 would like to also have encouraging people, and encourage people!
  • Monstertrel
    Monstertrel Posts: 33 Member
    Im a dad looking for accountability ppls...ley me know if you r down
  • brittanynritter
    brittanynritter Posts: 4 Member
    Love your honesty and drive! I'm a mom of two and have struggled with my weight for years. I get too stressed with it and go too low or my eating habits go to crap and I go way too high. I have the worst sweet tooth. I can eat a bag of cookies a day and not blink an eye. Just want to be healthy! Feel free to add me and we can support each other! :)
  • amgilroy1112
    amgilroy1112 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks, guys. I sent you all requests. :)
  • happytp13
    happytp13 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Please add me too. I've struggled to lose weight after caring for and later losing my mom to breast cancer. We can help motivate each other!
  • agriff1991
    agriff1991 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I'm 25. I am currently 166 I used to weight 100 pounds my goal is to be around 120-130. I started gaining weight from stress and I just wanna get back into shape!! Feel free to add me :)
  • amgilroy1112
    amgilroy1112 Posts: 13 Member
    Sent requests to both of you. (:
  • kasdalara
    kasdalara Posts: 16 Member
    Add me. I have to lose at least half my bodyweight I'm a horse rider and trampolinist and would like more friends so I don't decide to stop trying