Since 2014 .. I'm back again to lose 6lbs (add me)

chelzi_09 Posts: 16 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I give this app 5stars for a job well done.. I'm at my lowest in years.. goal weight 115lbs. Current weigh in at 221.8lbs ..Note guys I'm only 5'3" and I'm 22years of age. . This app has help me at my heaviest 140lbs in 2014 .. and with diet and exercise i lost 15lbs in less than 2months .. unbelievable? Believe it.. no carbs no dairy and With cardio and crunches I got my lean body back. I was one never to be unfit but with the stress of school and fast food plus working full time made me gain weight to where I was so uncomfortable with my body.. this is my 3rd time back and I'm actually testing myself to see if i can get to my goal weight of 115lbs. Join me and let's do this!


  • tiffy_113
    tiffy_113 Posts: 2 Member
    I too gained so much weight due to the stress of school and working at the same time! Best of luck!
  • chelzi_09
    chelzi_09 Posts: 16 Member
    Ikr. . Let's do this