PCOS Soul Cysters Unite



  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    Yeah that's my next battle... and if I do consume any CHO to make it complex only and very small quantity. Currently writing out a new diet plan.
  • kls310
    kls310 Posts: 9
    I, too, am a Cyster. I learned in 2000 that I had PCOS. My husband and I had been trying for 2 years to conceive while also not being on any birth control for 5 years. I had the drilling, took Metformin, took Clomid, and Progesterone shots and finally conceived our beautiful daughter in 2003. She was born premature at 30 weeks (first thought she was only 28 weeks), so we went through a traumatic time after her birth. She finally came home healthy and is now 8 years old.

    Ironically, 2 1/2 years later I became pregnant again without having to go through any fertility treatments. In fact, we weren't even trying...our daughter was a complete surprise. I did get up to 244 lbs while pregnant with the second child and have worked hard to get my weight off as she is now almost 6 years old. I have all of the symptoms from PCOS, but do notice that when I exercise and lose weight that my symptoms seem to subside. I am having a problem with extreme hair loss, and it's time for my annual well woman exam. SO, I hope to have blood work and see where my levels are today. I work out with a PT twice per week and do cardio all the other days. My goal is to get healthy as I turned 40 this year and want to teach my daughters how to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Please feel free to friend me!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I have PCOS. Been diganosed forever it seems.
    Never had a period and I have the Mirena IUD and get it 1x month..WTF is up with that?
    Acne is always an issue and the HAIR!!!! I cant stand the hair...its everywhere.

    I dont take anything for it...I take Synthroid and things for my psoratic arthritis and they take such a toll on the liver that I just dont want to add anything else..
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Hi All...Thanks For This Thread!

    I have PCOS, only diagnosed last year, but have definately had it longer than that.

    My (current) main symptoms include:
    No Period For Months At A Time...(but of course, I still get all the monthly PMS symptoms)
    Hair, Hair, Hair Everywhere (except I'm losing it on my head)
    Weight Gain (Need i say more)

    Just wanted to say hello....and thanks for uniting the soul cysters!
  • TamTamLove88
    A question to you ladies that also suffer from PCOS: do any of you ever ...*ahem* bleed during excercise? I've noticed that when I'm doing my daily workout, wether it be cardio, strength, or yoga, I start to bleed. I'm a little freaked out.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hope it's OK to post here.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS about eight years ago. I'm what my doctor calls 'classic PCOSer' My biggest symptom and most hated part of PCOS is my weight. I've just gone over 300lbs (137kg) and I hate myself for it. I also suffer depression, hair (thankfully I'm very fair so it's not toooo noticeable. I still wax though) and lack of period.

    I'm back on Jenny Craig (I originally lost 15kg and have put that on back more) and found this because I needed something on my phone to track food with. (I don't do well with paper diary's) I need to lose this weight. It's killing me both literally and figuratively. I hate how I look, I hate how I feel and just want this weight gone once and for all. I can't be this way anymore. I deserve to be healthy and I deserve to be happy.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    A question to you ladies that also suffer from PCOS: do any of you ever ...*ahem* bleed during excercise? I've noticed that when I'm doing my daily workout, wether it be cardio, strength, or yoga, I start to bleed. I'm a little freaked out.

    That's a very good question. I actually noticed last week that I was spotting, but didn't think anything of it. I haven't had a TOM since my IUD was put in last year, but I just started back at the gym a couple of weeks ago. Maybe there's a coincidence.
  • mggirll0122
    "I fear that I have this, or might....just wondering what symptoms/signs you had? Were any of you diagnosed before you were trying to get pregnant? How did you know?"

    I think with everyone it might be a bit different, but the most common symptoms are acne, excessive hair, hair loss, and irregular periods. Some people have dark patches, skin tags, and infertility. From what I understand you may or may not have cysts on your ovaries and still have PCOS. PCOS can also cause insulin resistance (a pre-diabetic state) which will cause difficulty in losing weight. Hope this helps.
  • catsap130
    catsap130 Posts: 3
    PCOS sucks!!

    My husband and I have been ttc since I miscarried in may 09. I'm hoping that I'll fall pregnant once I hit my goal weight of 130lbs. Im a textbook case of PCOS. And so far losing weight has been difficult. If anyone Has any advice or tips please inform me! :]
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    Bump. I just found out that I have pcos and need all the support I can get!
  • TamTamLove88
    A question to you ladies that also suffer from PCOS: do any of you ever ...*ahem* bleed during excercise? I've noticed that when I'm doing my daily workout, wether it be cardio, strength, or yoga, I start to bleed. I'm a little freaked out.

    That's a very good question. I actually noticed last week that I was spotting, but didn't think anything of it. I haven't had a TOM since my IUD was put in last year, but I just started back at the gym a couple of weeks ago. Maybe there's a coincidence.

    i havent had a REGULAR monthly flow in a year; the last time I had flow, it lasted 6 months. I did yoga today, and started bleeding. 20 mins after i stopped activity, it quit. i tried to walk, started again. idk what to think. I was told by a dr on my last ER vist bc f the pain of busting several cysts at a time, that PCOS isnt really anything to bother with, an that i should be GLAD i didnt hav to go through the monthly visitor. He was very insensitive and didnt even run any tests on me to see if i had an infection or anything! needless to say, i DID NOT pay that bill! I would like to hear from more women to see if others have this bleeding problem.
  • pdpmcm1980
    pdpmcm1980 Posts: 18 Member

    I'm new to MFP and was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of years ago. I take slow release metformin - I've tried a couple of other things for various symptoms but never got on with them.

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend, please feel free :)

    Cilla x
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I am in the process of being diagnosed. I was put on Metformin extended release a couple weeks ago and it seems to be working. I feel like the dark patches are going away, does anyone know if the roughness does as well? I am trying to keep a low carb diet but it is hard. Does anyone due low diary? I have heard that it can help with the acne but I also recently watched a BBC show saying the calcium in low-fat dairy helps block fat from being absorbed. They collected stool and found there was twice as much fat in it, meaning it was not absorbed. I am very torn between the low dairy issue becasue it is low carb and high protein!
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    A question to you ladies that also suffer from PCOS: do any of you ever ...*ahem* bleed during excercise? I've noticed that when I'm doing my daily workout, wether it be cardio, strength, or yoga, I start to bleed. I'm a little freaked out.

    The exact same thing is happening to me! Last month when I started with MFP, I was on my TOM for about 20 days, off for 7, and right back on now for almost 12. I think it might have something to do with exercising more because this has never happened to me so frequently.... I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    Hello, I too have PCOS. I was diagnosed in 2001 (I was 26 then). I went to see my OB because I wasn't bleeding for 6 months. But I think I may have had PCOS since I was 15.

    What I have: thinning hair; I found a skin tag once and had it removed and I haven't seen any since; acne; absence of periods; infertility; intolerable pain when I do get a period; dark skin patches. That is all I can remember for now. Although I am not sure if excessive sweating is a part of PCOS.

    Metformin was the first pill I was on. Spironolactone when I moved here in the US. I wasn't taking BC pills just because I have never really had any of those.

    I got married 2003. And didn't really plan on conceiving til May 2006. Then it was confirmed, I was not ovulating. I was on 2 doses of Clomid (lowest dose) and got pregnant Aug 2006. And up to this day, I still cry because we were blessed with twins. A boy and a girl. They are 4 now.

    When I was pregnant, it was pretty easy. No morning sickness at all. Delivered babies vaginally at 36 months and we all went home together. The only awful thing about my pregnancy was I had really really really bad acne. It was gross. It was so bad my mother would not recognize me at the airport had I not been the woman with a huge belly. It was so bad. Needless to say scars were bad after that.

    My heaviest weight was in 2003-2004. I was around 180. I am only 5'4". However I had a very healthy pregnancy. I was scared to death about losing the twins. I only gained 23 lbs. I was the lightest at 150 after I gave birth. Then I almost reached 175 in Jan of 2009. Now I am at 160-165 range.

    I am currently on generic Yaz and when I started on it, I did have periods. But for about 6 or so months now, I haven't been bleeding. I am not taking any other medications other than that. Acne is under control. I haven't seen any except for this past 2 weeks when it has been horribly hot here.

    It seems like with PCOS, you have to not even consider not exercising in a day or watch what you eat or both. The minute I don't watch what I eat, the weight slowly creeps back up.

    I wish good luck to those TTC's.

    Thanks for starting this group.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    What does Spironolactone do? I am on Metformin and Yazmin.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    According to Wiki it's to treat excess hair.

    I'm currently giving up soft drink and I have no energy, am twitchy and my head alternates between pounding and hurting. Can't wait till this is over.
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    What does Spironolactone do? I am on Metformin and Yazmin.

    Yes, it is to control excessive hair. It also controls Androgen (male hormones) which most PCOS has an increased level.
    Although I was to make certain that I wasn't trying to conceive at a certain period of time because Spironalactone can cause deformities in male babies. As soon as we were TTC, I had to be off Spironolactone for a while first.

    I think I will have to talk to my OB about possibly getting me back on Metformin to have my periods. I am curious about that Metformin extended release.

    Good luck Lozze, I hope the headaches go away.
  • reenakainth
    i have my fertility specialist appt on thursday...mixture of feelings for me ..anxiety, fear and curiousity all in one...

    i guess they will want to run some tests but im not sure what exactly...can anyone advise me what they may do? my partner and i will both go. they may wanta sperm sample i guess ...i had the blodds done already for myself. cnfirmed increased testosterone levels and fatty liver...not sure what that means exactly so am hoping the consultant will be able to advise me...

    i wonder what meds they will put me on as i have had no periods since i came off the pill in april this year...i have tho had a miscarriage sadly but still no bleeed !!

    any help advice appreciated?
  • Darian21
    Darian21 Posts: 4
    Hello all! I'm so glad there is talk about this on MFP. I just started on MFP and this support is great. I was diagnosed with PCOS @ 16. I wasn't really told much after that but just lose weight. Obviously, for me that hasn't been the case and now my doctor put me on Metformin and I just started last week. I am a little worried that he did not blood work before putting me on 2000 mg a day, but he said this would help with weight loss. We'll see how it goes.