Did I seriously just run a 5k?! (pics)

horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
Hey all! My name is Paula. I was one of those "chubby kids" back in grade school.. basically all through middle school/high school.. and peaking at almost 200 lbs my freshman year. I have definitely aspired to be athletic my whole life.. trying to run, failing cause I went to fast and could only keep a decent jog going for about a minute. I horseback ride- and that's awesome exercise-but cardio has always gotten to me.

Then, 10 weeks ago, I started the C25K plan. Oh my gosh. running 90 seconds the second week seemed to be ridiculous to me! I was gasping for air and not able to keep a decent pace! NOW. This morning.. I ran a 5k! I was slow, yes.. and actually I looked at my iphone half way through to check the weather, and it was 85 degrees with a 65% humidity! So I guess running it in 37:10 wasn't too bad after all! Only had to walk twice.

Definitely going to do another 5K sometime soon. I'm training for a half marathon in September as well! How is it that this formally chubby girl can now run?!
Thanks MFP for always motivating me and giving me a place to celebrate my victories!
Oh, and I'm down to about 135 now :)


Here are some pics of me at 14 years old.. probably around 185.

And here's me about 4 years ago

And here's one I just took after my 5k :) (scale says 135.. and ignore my pasty legs lol.. horseback riding will do that to you)



  • shanmont
    shanmont Posts: 66 Member
    So Awesome!! Way to go!!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    great job!! You rock!
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    congrats on your achievements!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait till I can run 5k, I will get there soon :)
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    That is sooooo awesome!!! You are an example for alot of people!!! Good job and best wishes!
  • niclagi
    niclagi Posts: 177 Member
    Huge congrats!! You look great!!
  • Wow, You are Awesome!
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    Yay on the 5k! You look great!
  • xdannigirl
    xdannigirl Posts: 32 Member
    Congratulations! You look great! How tall are you?

    Haha, I used to get pasty legs from softball. We had to wear sliders (kind of like biking shorts but with reinforcements to keep them from ripping on the gravel) under our shorts (both came 3/4 of the way down our thighs) and then knee high socks. Wear that for an all-weekend tournament? HELLO, TAN LINES! (stupid ones at that, too. I'd rather have a farmer's tan!)
  • Sheanna3
    Sheanna3 Posts: 6 Member
    That's GREAT!!! Running a Half is a wonderful goal!! Good luck!!!! Plus you look great!! :)
  • nickfn
    nickfn Posts: 19
    Brilliant on the 5k- that's awesome! Keep up the great work!
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Fantastic! Slow my A**, you did great! My first 5K I did interval walk/jog; the second the same but a little faster jog and only did it in 42:01... Planning on a third on 6 Aug, but will have to brisk walk due to recent shoulder surgery.

    I also grew up with horses and love to ride (although rarely get to now). My brother owns & trains race horses (quarter horses) in OK (and is a farrier too).

    YOU LOOK FABULOUS! Good Luck with the half marathon!
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Congratulations! You look great! How tall are you?

    Haha, I used to get pasty legs from softball. We had to wear sliders (kind of like biking shorts but with reinforcements to keep them from ripping on the gravel) under our shorts (both came 3/4 of the way down our thighs) and then knee high socks. Wear that for an all-weekend tournament? HELLO, TAN LINES! (stupid ones at that, too. I'd rather have a farmer's tan!)

    I'm 5'4.. maybe 5'3''.. it's always somewhere around there hehe.

    Yeah! And to top if off, I normally run in my nike compression shorts that are a bit longer than the ones I'm wearing in the picture. Awesome farmers tan, I know :)

    And thank you!!
  • capNramsey
    capNramsey Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for sharing! This keeps me motivated. And for a first 5K 37 minutes is great! I really hope to get down to your current size. I was just reflecting on my weight loss journey and a C25K class got me running for the first time also. I was also chubby in high school weighing in at 225 senior year. Since September I've ran 5 5K's and keep on reducing my time each time. At 182 lbs competing in the Athena category at my most recent 5K, I won third place in my category running it in 35 minutes. Us chubby girls can run now and it is something to celebrate! Keep on running and best of luck on your half marathon!
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Congratulations on your 5K! Doesn't it feel wonderful? Keep on trucking and have a great half marathon! You can do it!
  • wjkirby
    wjkirby Posts: 120
    Congratulations! Now you've got the bug!
  • vanlaura
    vanlaura Posts: 26
    Awesome ! I am in week 3 of c25k at the moment and it's inspiring to hear people's stories of how it DOES get better :)
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Awesome ! I am in week 3 of c25k at the moment and it's inspiring to hear people's stories of how it DOES get better :)

    Keep it up! it's totally worth it and you'll be amazed what you can accomplish!
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks for sharing! This keeps me motivated. And for a first 5K 37 minutes is great! I really hope to get down to your current size. I was just reflecting on my weight loss journey and a C25K class got me running for the first time also. I was also chubby in high school weighing in at 225 senior year. Since September I've ran 5 5K's and keep on reducing my time each time. At 182 lbs competing in the Athena category at my most recent 5K, I won third place in my category running it in 35 minutes. Us chubby girls can run now and it is something to celebrate! Keep on running and best of luck on your half marathon!

    That's fantastic! Who knew such an awesome program could get us off our butts and running?! Sounds like you're doing great!! Keep it up! I'm still so euphoric from finishing my 5k :)

    I think I thought I was slow just cause I finished close to last-there were only 40 people there and I was the only one in my age group. And my friend that did it with me won overall female at 23:15! So I felt slow in comparison hahaha
  • So great! You should be so proud! Congrats!
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