20 years old and 254 pounds

I'm not quite sure how to start this so I guess I'll just start by saying hi, I'm Heather and I'm only 20 years old, 254 pounds and pre-diabetic. I also tend to be scatter brained so I hope this makes sense haha. I guess I'll give you a bit of back story now.
This is my second time truly trying to lose weight. Back in 2012 I was 16 years old and 220 pounds. I was severely depressed and knew I had to change my life. I moved in with my best friend for the summer and started my weight loss journey. We worked out every day and she kept me motivated. When I moved back home it just became natural to workout and eat right. I lost 50 pounds and got down to 170. Then I got in a long term relationship and got comfortable. I let myself go. I gained all that weight back. Sure I gave a few half assed attempts at losing it again but nothing stoke.
Fast forward a few years and that relationship ended, badly. I was back at square one mentally and physically. I felt worthless and like I was good for nothing more than a good lay. I let myself go even more without even realizing it. It wasn't until last august that I finally realized just how bad I let things get.
My doctor had told me that I was insulin resistant and that if I didn't do something I was in danger of becoming diabetic. Well even with this knowledge and even though it scares the *kitten* out of me, I still didn't change my habits. the last time I saw my doctor which was back in november she told me that my insulin levels were getting worse. That was when I finally started to get the kick in the *kitten* I needed to get up and change. My next appointment is the 23rd of this month and I want to lose at least 3 pounds before then to show that I am trying (finally).
So that's my backstory. My main goal is to get to a healthy weight and gain strength. I want to become that badass chic that looks like hell in heels but can just as easily kick someones *kitten*. I'm always open to making new friends so please don't be shy, I'd love to talk to you. God knows I could use new friends lol

-Love, Heather <3


  • carriestephens1
    carriestephens1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Heather! Welcome to the right track!
    Feel free to add me as a friend, i am new to posting on MFP but i was feeling like i needed some extra support to finish my journey, i have about 40 more lbs to lose, i have lost 135+lbs over the last 1.5 years with weight watchers (calorie counting is essentially the same thing.)

    No matter what, promise yourself that you are in this for the rest of your life, that this is a lifestyle change, not a race to the finish, you will have up times, you will have DOWN times, you will have really ugly times when you just don't want to bother anymore, but perseverance is what really matters.

    I only wish i would have had a support group of some kind when i was in my 20s! Keep coming here and motivating yourself and others with small successes and you can do this!!!
  • mrizzo22
    mrizzo22 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Heather! I'm 23 and also insulin resistant. Feel free to add me for extra support:)
  • taylorb407
    taylorb407 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Heather! I would love to chat with you! I just turned 20 and have lot to lose! I read your story and we have a lot in common!
  • woodm87
    woodm87 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Heather! We are in a similar situation so feel free to add me! I'm also in my early 20s.
  • lydiababs
    lydiababs Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Heather! I am pretty much just like you. I am 20 and around the same weight. I have PCOS, which is sort of like an insulin resistance type thing. I would love to help you in your journey and we can keep each other accountable. Feel free to add me if you would like
  • melsouth1972
    melsouth1972 Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome you brave young lady. You can do this and I am happy to support if you want to add me. You are a strong woman
  • debrafm
    debrafm Posts: 38 Member
    Hey Heather. I'm 38, Ben on here for several years. Started my journey at 244, got down to 160, but over the past year let myself get back up to 200. My goal is 150. Please feel free to add me. I want to help motivate each other!
  • osubengalsfan87
    osubengalsfan87 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Heather! Im new to MFP and could us all the support and motivation I can get. I have about 100 lbs to lose and want this to be the year I change my life and get healthy. Feel free to add me. Let's do this!!!