Veganuary Newbies??

Is anyone out there doing Veganuary? I'm vegetarian at the moment- trying to change my eating. Veggie friends would be awesome!!


  • amandaiams
    amandaiams Posts: 73 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I'm doing Hamnuary, with ham every day. Woo-hoo!


    Kidding aside, I'm thinking about doing this. My husband is a pain in the *kitten* when I try to "convert" as he feels like we will miss out on stuff together. But I'd like to try to at least go vegetarian and maybe do like a "vegan til 4" sort of approach, since I am still an omnivore.
  • TigerLily100
    TigerLily100 Posts: 81 Member
    I am, along with my daughter. Have just done a shop in preparation to start in the new year, but may as well get going from today :)
  • carmelbyrd
    carmelbyrd Posts: 1 Member
    I'm hoping to go vegan in 2017, as well. This will be my second shot at veganism; had a 3 month stint that ended when I found out I was pregnant in 2011. But I've been vegetarian for about 8 years. I've been working up to it for the last month. I'm so ready to be done with the guilt of eating animal products.
  • barry_b12
    barry_b12 Posts: 86 Member
    I've been vegan for @ 5 years now and have never felt better - really! So I wish you (and everybody taking this challenge) much luck on this effort. Please don't hesitate to send a friend request if you like :)
  • smausti1
    smausti1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat as you! I have been a vegetarian for a very long time and only really eat dairy maybe 10% of the time. I raise my own chickens so eat eggs from time to time. I am trying to see how much weight I can lose over the next 70 days. Interested to see what sort of challenges I have with the protein component of the food pie percentages overall and what kind of impact it will have on my overall weight loss. Trying to avoid simple carbs overall!
  • Stoicus
    Stoicus Posts: 34 Member
    Hi I'm going to try Veganuary! I've been trying to transition from veggie for a while so am hoping this will be the final step. Happy to have friends who are doing the same :)
  • sioark55
    sioark55 Posts: 52 Member
    I am doing Veganuary... I have eaten meat all my life and am jumping in at the deep end with this! So far so good!
  • amandaiams
    amandaiams Posts: 73 Member
    I have tried (unsuccessfully) for 3 days. Today is my official 1st day. I bought stuff to meal prep with (need to do actual prep, though) and have a couple friends who have been vegan for 6 months or so. Very excited!!
  • sioark55
    sioark55 Posts: 52 Member
    If you want to add me we can share recipes etc? X
  • I am doing veganuary too! And loving it - I feel great, and I'm losing weight again without really trying!
  • Asiatashon
    Asiatashon Posts: 9 Member
    I'm vegan! Never heard of veganuary, but add me, I could use some veggie pals!
  • emmyed2015
    emmyed2015 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been vegan for 5 years and veggie for 10 years prior to that - feel free to add me, would love more veggie friends on here.
  • champagneslut
    champagneslut Posts: 3 Member
    HIII OMG this is exciting!
    I promise you going vegan will C H A N G E your already lovely life! just don't forget to do a lot lot of research (: it's really hard at first, but you can do it!
  • spencerclean1
    spencerclean1 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been vegan for about 2.5 years and vegetarian for 10. Would love more veg friends! For whatever reason pushes you to take the leap - it is worth it!
  • FitLifeCrossroads
    FitLifeCrossroads Posts: 57 Member
    I was a vegetarian for 2 years and just commited to being vegan. Would love some friends 2!
  • Elisemustlose
    Elisemustlose Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am a mostly vegan/vegetarian since last march and I started doing IIFYM since a weeks...I will like some news friends too!