New to MFP looking to make some friends who want to share the pain (or hunger pangs)..

Hi, all new to MFP so looking to make some friends who can motivate each other on this gruelling quest for weight loss. I fear I have gone to seed but rather than accept the status quo I am determined to make some positive changes to my lifestyle, health and appearance. Before starting on a fitness revival I would like to lose a little weight so am trying to shed about 33lbs (yikes). Enough is enough the rubicon has been crossed the spare tyre must go..


  • benevempress
    benevempress Posts: 136 Member
    It doesn't have to be gruelling or painful. Put your stats into MFP, choose a loss rate of 1 pound per week (or less) and eat food that will nourish and give energy to your body that fits in that calorie goal. With the amount of weight you want to lose, eating less than that puts you at greater risk of muscle loss instead of fat loss. If you are able to, add some movement into your life (walking, sports, gym, yoga, whatever you like). The weight will come off and you will be practicing the lifestyle that the slimmer you will need to continue (albeit with a few more calories) when you've finished losing the weight and want to keep it off.
  • MaralynManson
    MaralynManson Posts: 205 Member
    Hi David, my target is same - lose the gut!
  • rdfaye
    rdfaye Posts: 39 Member
    Hi. Same here. I have used MFP in the past with success, but let it get sidelined last year. It was not painful, but required a bit of time and some thinking about what I intended to eat. I am restarting because it worked.
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Been through exactly the same. Very achievable, just takes time and adjustment.
  • RoosterDJC
    RoosterDJC Posts: 93 Member
    I started 2017 with the same goal. I am a tennis player, and I just cant move like I want to. 50lbs is the goal for me. I'm down 6lbs and cutting out as much sugar and carbs as I can. This web site is key to keep track of it. I'm with ya buddy!
  • kkindness
    kkindness Posts: 3 Member
    Ditto! I'm newly recommitted to losing weight. Like you, I want to lose about 20 more lbs before adding exercise. Good luck! You can do it!
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Sorry forgot to add, happy to be added (by anyone!). Enjoy discussing nutrition and all stuff associated and like nudging people along if coming off the rails.

    44yo here with 3 kids, full time job, karate & gym stuff so understand about keeping all the plates spinning!
  • salesmanbrad
    salesmanbrad Posts: 2 Member
    Connecting here sounds great. Working on writing my goals today. Lose 23 pounds, gain strength & energy. I'm reading Bill Phillips book "Body for Life". It helped me lose 30 pounds 6 years ago. I have slowly gained it back, too much pho, and not enough exercise.