Women over 45 Support/Motivation for 2017-Happy New Year!



  • lisaannet6
    lisaannet6 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in! I also welcome new friends and support to help with reaching our goals! Feel free to friend and message me with your information and I agree the personalized support to help each other and be accountable is the way to go! Here's to our success in 2017!!! All the best....
  • crystalparent
    crystalparent Posts: 6 Member
    I am 50, and have been trying to lose weight for years. Every year, for the last 10 years, I'm just a little bit heavier than the year before. It's affecting every aspect of my life. Medically - blood pressure, back problems, all-over stiffness, inflammation; but even more than that, it's how it makes me feel emotionally. I'm going to be a grandmother in March. I want to be able to run around and get on the floor to play with my grandson. I hate the road I am on right now. I have to lose about 120 pounds. Sometimes I feel hopeless that I will ever be able to do it.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm 46 and could have sworn I posted in this thread yesterday, but there's no post here. Well, chalk that up to "old age" LOL! I'm on here every day (1102 and counting) and am in maintenance after losing about 100 pounds overall (two stages, lost half and took a break). Been going strong for over three years now and am in better shape than when I was 30. New me! No going back (and I donated all my "fat" clothes)! Lost it all after 40 and am keeping it off with physical issues (bad back) and a metabolic disorder (hypothyroidism) it's possible. It's all about what finding what will work for you and having the patience to do it.

    Friend me! :smiley:

    ETA--to correct my "streak" length
  • brown_eyes74
    brown_eyes74 Posts: 6 Member
    just re joined this program has been a few years now. Started working out 2 months ago and trying this year to cut back on sugar. I am 42 will be 43 in July. Need all the help I can get. I seem to get more help from others I dont know verse my friends. (they seem to fall off to quick in support ) any one who wants to add me would be great!
  • Lushunda
    Lushunda Posts: 3 Member
    I have issues. I am 46. Can't afford a trainer. I have to learn how to live a healthier life because I want better quality of life. People are different. Not everyone can lose weight the same. I can watch someone else eat and gain 20 pounds. I try to be more active. Watch what I eat and how much. Get in the snacks I need and it is still not working. Please don't bash each other. It's hard for some and it can very much be hurtful. I hate being overweight. I carry it well but it would be so much better if it weren't there.
  • rbelfiore0262
    rbelfiore0262 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in. I'm 54 and the scale hasn't stopped going up for almost a year!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    I am 45 and there are more challenges as we get older. It's not that it is impossible but I know for me personally I have had some health issues in the last few years that have made it more challenging. Let's support each other
  • mmcjtink
    mmcjtink Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in!!!! I'm 46 and have 25lbs to loose. I think this support group is the key factor for me. Look forward to taking this journey with you all! We got this!!!!
  • jjaydees
    jjaydees Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in as well , I need to lose at least 10 kg to get my blood pressure down and weight off my joints
    Had an awful year last year lots of health issues , put back on the weight I had lost , now I just can't lose the weight
    I'm 57 from Melbourne Australia and really glad to have found this group .
    I have attempted to start over a few times without success but I have to do this
  • MossiO
    MossiO Posts: 164 Member
    I'm in! I'm 46. Went to get out my fall/winter clothes after summer was over, and none of my pants fit! And I really don't feel like going out and buying new clothes, so I'm in skirts with elastic waistbands for awhile. Ha!

    But also, I have high triglycerides, borderline high cholesterol, and I get winded going up a flight of stairs. All that needs to change. I'd like to lose about 50 pounds, but I'm no hurry, because I know this has to be something I can sustain for the rest of my life.

    I fought tracking food for years, but people say that's one of the main things successful maintainers do, so now I track everything. And intend to for the rest of my life.

    Happy to have more friends here!
  • cntryblossom7
    cntryblossom7 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in!! I've been reading on Keto Diets...I think so much that I am overwhelmed and confused! All help is GREATLY appreciated here!!!
  • elizabeppes
    elizabeppes Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in. I'm 54 and the scale hasn't stopped going up for almost a year!
    I just turned 55 and that's my same problem which is why I'm really working to log all calories and exercises
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I am 46 You can add me . Wishing everyone much success
  • Corky91372
    Corky91372 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join. I will be 45 this year and between burying myself into my daughter, spouse and a very stressful job where I sit in a car all day I have gained way way way too much weight since turning 40. I have been diagnosed with prediabetes and need to make modify my diet and increase exercise. I would definitely find value and motivation in being part of a supportive community like this.
  • crobinson690
    crobinson690 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I've switched over to my original MFP account once I realized I have an existing this one. This is Corky91372 and I would still like to participate in the group. I am going to eliminate the Corky m91372 account I prefer to keep my existing one that has all my former food logged and goals I'm really inspired by that I was able to previously accomplish
  • maestrau
    maestrau Posts: 2 Member
    I am 53 and the weight has crept up over the past 13 years. This is the first time that I am trying to lose a large amount of weight--30 pounds at least with 40 pounds being the goal. I know it will happen more slowly than I would like, so I will need support with patience and motivation.
  • kimmy27848
    kimmy27848 Posts: 34 Member
    I am turning 50 in May and am looking to finally conquer my bad eating habits and low activity. After a lifetime of good health, intense activity and maintaining a healthy weight without paying attention to my eating, my weight started to creep up about 8 years ago. It started with injuries (back, knees, etc) that caused me to give up on my old activities (running, etc). I started to eat more for comfort, and now I sit at about 40-50 pounds overweight. I'm resetting my life at this point, hoping to see differences in my weight and health by my birthday, but am realistic that this will be a long journey. I'm excited to see this site, with people facing similar challenges. Please friend me if you're looking for more friends!
  • ijhardwicke
    ijhardwicke Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in...45 yrs old...and prepping for a hysterectomy in February (happy new year?)...started a keto plan w/ the family this week, though hubby seems to be in it because I am. Trying to figure out the tracking of it all...I'm used to the paper way and adapting to using my phone is a bit of a challenge. I think I'll need to start adding all of my food in when I pack it at night (because my bag is empty when I go home!) -- then I just have to remember to do dinner as I've just sworn off snacks after dinner. Hoping to lose about 65lbs this year.
  • kay2nk
    kay2nk Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in. I need all the support I can get.