Let's lose 30 pounds

I am brand new! I'm 26 years old, mom of 2 (2.5 and 3 months) and I'm taking 2017 by the horns!

I'm 5'11 - 196.6 - working toward my goal of 164 pounds, lighter than my wedding weight!

I'd love some buddies along the way!


  • Jenn_Knee_Fur
    Jenn_Knee_Fur Posts: 12 Member
    On the same page!! Let's be friends
  • dawngoll
    dawngoll Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck to you
  • kare77
    kare77 Posts: 78 Member
    On the same page!! Let's be friends

    Totally with you on that goal
  • emilyjcros
    emilyjcros Posts: 17 Member
    Also with you on that goal! I'm 5'6 and 168 at the moment and would love to lose 30 pounds (maybe less or more depending on how I feel). Lets cheer each other on. Had my first successful day of eating under my calorie goal and exercising as well, so I hope yours was just as good.
    Anyone feel free to add me as I'd love some support along the way.
  • cheramacy1
    cheramacy1 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me! Trying to lose 15.
  • ChangeAddict
    ChangeAddict Posts: 27 Member
    Add me! 2 kids 5'3" 150 looking to get to 125-120 with 18:6 intermittent fasting.
  • twill3087
    twill3087 Posts: 89 Member
    Good luck! Working on losing 70 pounds by June! 2017 is gonna be a great year!
  • Urs_Durf
    Urs_Durf Posts: 9 Member
    Hi im new to this app but trying to lose 15
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    Hey MFP ladies, I start a group for ages 25-35 who want to lose 30+ lbs for support and motivation if anyone needs accountability and comradery . Here's the link http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/118006-superchicks-2017
  • blizard12344
    blizard12344 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is to lose 30 pounds too, good luck to you!