I need some support on this journey!

Hey Everyone! I'm a 26 year old Texan who is looking to lose 85-91 more lbs. I started my weight loss journey about two months ago. However, even though I'm on a 1800 calorie diet, I've only lost about a pound. Granted, I'm not perfect about sticking to that, but the majority of the time I do. Needless to say, I'm having a very hard time staying motivated and would love some support! :)


  • justifiedchanel
    justifiedchanel Posts: 7 Member
    Don't give up ! Stick to it and keep pushing. Add me, always looking for more people to connect with on this journey .

    - Tracey, 20y/o, 175lbs, goal weight: 140 lbs
  • lhannigan0521
    lhannigan0521 Posts: 8 Member
    I am back at it as well. You can add me as well i am looking for friends and support on this journey too :).
  • Courtney0991
    Courtney0991 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank y'all so much! It's been so hard to keep trying to eat better and exercise when I'm not really seeing any results. Hopefully that changes soon. Look forward to chit chatting with you both!
  • belllina
    belllina Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2017
    I totally understand the struggle too. Feel free to add me too. I've been taking a harder look at my diet lately....dropped my calories a bit more and started losing. I'm also trying not to go by the scale alone but the way my clothes fit and inches lost. You can do this...stay encouraged!
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    It's hard especially around the holidays and then getting back on track afterwards. Just don't give up. You also may need to tweak some things if your not losing the way you want too. Feel free to send me a FR. Good luck!