
I'm a mom to three little ones. They're 4,2, and 1. I'd LOVE to have some mom friends to cheer on. I work full time so it's HARD. We all need to stick together :) friend me!


  • Zephrine
    Zephrine Posts: 24 Member
    I have a 6yo and a 4yo, and am an older mum. I struggle with eating sensibly when I have 2 fussy eaters!
  • SBloom121415
    SBloom121415 Posts: 4 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've eaten left over food from their plates. Like, really!? Is this who I am now?
  • Justmex86x
    Justmex86x Posts: 11 Member
    Hello im a mum of 2 i have a 10yr old son and 4yr old daughter my husbands works daft hours as a security guard so ive been stuck in on own an eat more when im on my own lol.
  • nataliepete86
    nataliepete86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Im a mama of 4. My oldest is 5, so... we're a little busy over here. I love to eat. Its one of my favorite things in the world. I love to eat and i hate to workout. Its a baaad combo. Hoping i can get a hold of my health in this new year.
  • timeforfitmommy
    timeforfitmommy Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello. I am a mommy of a six months old girl and i decided it is time to be fit. I would like to know more mommys that are on thr way of being fit, so friend me too.
  • KatieH942016
    KatieH942016 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm a mom of a 1 year old little girl and pregnant with a little boy who is due in March! I'm not actually starting my 100% healthy diet and exercise plan until after he's here, but I'd still love the encouragement to lose all this baby weight.. I'm a stay at home mom and it seems nearly impossible to lose weight when caring for two kids under the age of two, but here we go.. My hubby is one of those who can eat everything and not gain a pound.. it's frustrating and he's not exactly the most supportive when it comes to health.. I'm hoping to get back down to the size I was two years ago.. my two pregnancies and lack of care made me gain 50 lbs, two pant sizes, and a whole lot of self consciousness about the way I look.. so here's to a healthy start in 2017!
  • trishaeich
    trishaeich Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a mom of two boys, 2 years old and 8 months. We don't sleep much and it's been my reason for not taking care of myself. I feel ashamed I've let myself go, and I could use the support other moms who have found a way to manage. I work full time and it's so hard to juggle it all. We can do this, right?
  • xbritnicole90
    xbritnicole90 Posts: 241 Member
    New mom here! I have a 4 month old and she's my reason to want to become healthier. I work full time as well so it definitely makes the journey more difficult.
  • ashleyelks8909
    ashleyelks8909 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm a mom of a 7 year old girl, I'm so ready to get some of this weight off and be healthy for my family I've started then quit but not giving up this time! Any encouragement or help welcomed!! Friend me :)