Is just walking enough?

I've been walking to and from work every day (an hour each way, 5 days a week), but I feel like it's not really enough. I try to eat between 1200 and 1500 calories a day and losing weight is still a struggle. I noticed a big difference when I started walking about a month ago, but it's died off now. Is walking everyday enough exercise or should I do something else as well? I want to quit the gym for financial reasons, so is there anything else I can do that doesn't involve that? I can't really get a fitness DVD as our living room is tiny and jumping up and down would disturb the people underneath us. Any other suggestions or should I just go back to the gym?


  • ziggy55311
    ziggy55311 Posts: 20
    Your body has adapted to the walking and your calorie intake. You now have to add something if you want to keep losing weight. You could do bodyweight exercises in a park or something if there is one near you or you could start running or jogging.

    Is there really no room in the budget for the gym or could you work things around a little bit?
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member

    I have just been reading this post - maybe it could help you to answer your question?? Keep up the good work - your daily walk will definitely be doing you good.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • I agree that your body is now used to the walking. Can you do more walking after work and change it up by walking faster or running?
  • To be honest, the gym isn't stretching the budget THAT much, it's more that It's near where I work and if I go to the gym after work, i don't get home till really late - only to get moaned at by the other half lol. So I haven't really been since I started walking so at the moment it's just eating my money. I may make the effort and just go tho if I don't have any other choice.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Yeah, try moving up the pace to a more uncomfortable speed. I am currently experiencing the same thing, so I have increased my pace and am thinking about adding a 30 lb weight to my back pack for more of a burn.
  • All I am doing is walking and its making a huge difference
  • willowmjc
    willowmjc Posts: 7 Member
    try doing stair excersizes instead or do less walking but add in something like yoga ..or find a arobic class like zumba which is cheaper than a gym..good luck
  • ziggy55311
    ziggy55311 Posts: 20
    You could go before work or you could trade some of that walking for some strength training in the gym. Strength training burns more calories than walking after you leave the weight room.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm in a similar situation to you, almost all my cardio is exclusively walking after breaking free from the shackles of the gym. Yes, I am finding that I am burning less and less calories than when I started, and yes, your body has figured out that the exercise you are doing is 'predictable' but walking is still excellent exercise. Now, i vary it a little..I walk 5 mins, then light running for 3 mins, walk again, then run, almost like a c25k exercise. when you push your heart rate UP, thats when you burn the fat. I suggest that you perhaps add some swimming/cycling into the mix just to keep your body guessing?
    Though you are walking to work and if you work up a huge sweat on the way, it might be uncomfortable unless they have shower facilities etc there....but do incorporate walking in your lifestyle!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm in a similar situation to you, almost all my cardio is exclusively walking after breaking free from the shackles of the gym. Yes, I am finding that I am burning less and less calories than when I started, and yes, your body has figured out that the exercise you are doing is 'predictable' but walking is still excellent exercise. Now, i vary it a little..I walk 5 mins, then light running for 3 mins, walk again, then run, almost like a c25k exercise. when you push your heart rate UP, thats when you burn the fat. I suggest that you perhaps add some swimming/cycling into the mix just to keep your body guessing?
    Though you are walking to work and if you work up a huge sweat on the way, it might be uncomfortable unless they have shower facilities etc there....but do incorporate walking in your lifestyle!
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    On the way home, can you incorporate jogging/running/sprinting instead of "just" walking? You may get home faster so the other half won't moan as much.:tongue:
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    Hi... I'm new here, but not new to dieting and exercise. Walking might be okay IF you are walking fast enough to get your heart working in the fat burning or cardio zone and you do it long enough. If you can, get a Polar heart monitor - it's a must for figuring out calories burned. You may have to jog if your heart rate has adjusted to your activity. Bicycling might help, too. I probably wouldn't give up the gym yet if you can at all afford it! Good luck...
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Your muscles get used to what you're doing after a while so you have to change it up to keep them 'on their toes'. Alternating between casual walking & speed walking might be enough to do it. Or carrying some extra weight (arm weights, leg weights, backpack maybe?). Adding in just a little extra at home can help too. Doing situps, pushups & squats won't disturb the neighbours and can help build muscle.

    Check out It's a challenge that trains you to do 100 pushups. There's another one for doing situps & squats too. They work great and keep you motivated to push a little harder every day.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    An hour of walking can't be more than 3 or 4 miles, which is just a few minutes by car. If you drive to work instead of walking, you can use that extra 45-50 minutes each way to do something different. Do situps, pushups, leg lifts, and other non-impact exercises before your morning shower then hit the gym on the way home for some strength training, treadmill, etc. You don't need to be at the gym for 2-3 hours every day, although you certainly could do that once a week or so if you felt the need. You'd still be home in plenty of time to keep the SO happy.