Wanting to get Into exercising, BUT...

LexVex Posts: 9 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay so look . I quit smoking , I need to get active so I won't gain weight . I have NEVER been in a gym , I have no clue where to start . I don't mind working my butt off and pushing myself BUT , I'm a cosmetologist, I am on my feet 12 hours a day . I am extremely flat footed and have terrible heel spurs to almost a crippling point. I want to be able to do cardio. I feel like it would help with my breathing issues (asthmatic, I know I know , I definitely should not of picked up smoking ) but if I injure myself working out it , it can affect my lively hood . I've read the locked articles above , but just want some extra suggestions and tips so that I don't over do it .


  • LexVex
    LexVex Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks ! I will try those !
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    LexVex wrote: »
    Okay so look . I quit smoking , I need to get active so I won't gain weight . I have NEVER been in a gym , I have no clue where to start . I don't mind working my butt off and pushing myself BUT , I'm a cosmetologist, I am on my feet 12 hours a day . I am extremely flat footed and have terrible heel spurs to almost a crippling point. I want to be able to do cardio. I feel like it would help with my breathing issues (asthmatic, I know I know , I definitely should not of picked up smoking ) but if I injure myself working out it , it can affect my lively hood . I've read the locked articles above , but just want some extra suggestions and tips so that I don't over do it .

    I love doing kickboxing routines! These are easy on my terrible ankles and even though they get the heart rate up, you still make sure your movements are controlled to have good form which helps prevent injury. (I have to rely on at home home workouts)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    A key to avoiding injury and discouragement is to pace yourself. don't overdo it when starting out.Many beginners do way too much then wonder why they're hurt or injured or discouraged.Do what YOU can do, not what the net person is doinng.
    Also remember that to avoid losing weight you need to practice portion control when eating. People gain weight because they eat too much. weight managment happens in the kitchen. Fitness happens in the gym.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    Recumbent bike is easy, lets you sit down and takes pressure of legs and back. Can still work up a decent sweat.

    Elliptical isn't bad on the feet and joints but you will be standing.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Get on a bike, stationary or not.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Stationary bike is great cardio and easy on the feet. I use it more when my legs are tired from running.
  • KristyDonovan
    KristyDonovan Posts: 67 Member
    Swim! I've lost 33lbs swimming. I had to have back surgery and it was the only exercise my physical therapist would approve. I'm a pastry chef and am also on my feet all day.
  • bketchum1981
    bketchum1981 Posts: 130 Member
    I love Pilates for a low impact workout! Good core benefits!
  • Aidan2552
    Aidan2552 Posts: 16 Member
    Stair climbers can also be beneficial if running is too painful.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    Another vote for cycling. Spin class or a stationary bike is less fun in my opinion, but certainly safer. When I worked on my feet all day I cycled, often to and from work, and swam or water walked at the gym pool. The idea of walking or running after 8 hours on my feet did sound like absolute torture.
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