Binge Eating..

Jhayes21837 Posts: 6
edited 10:13PM in Health and Weight Loss
Im actually finding it hard to resist them temptations.
Even though i have good reasons to want to be slim!!

Its sooooooooooooo hard!!!


  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    I have problems with binge eating sometimes. What I have done is find something healthy that I really like, that way even though you shouldn't binge eat, you're eating a lot of healthy stuff.
  • lol i bought alpen bars and im already craving them!!
  • Ugh, I've been dealing with binge eating for years now and it stinks! I can't lose these last 10-15 pounds because of it!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    i had the case of the binge eating myself for a long, long time.....I had it under control and started back about a year ago again. I gained about 15 lbs.....I decided I had to get it under control! I have done well for almost 3 months now, I make sure I don't get too hungry.....I still want this double stuffed cookie from Sam's Club....will wait for my b-day for that in Oct!!

    It is hard!!
  • Seriously when I used to get those urges I would binge on lettuce. Or baby carrots.
  • what kinds of healthy stuff do you like? I find that it's hard for me to find stuff like that. I always say that all my teeth are sweet teeth and my family is obese so it's hard for me to resist when I see them eating things like ice cream. My brother just bought 4 cartons of ice cream and I don't know how many boxes of popsicles!!!!
  • i like salad and that but my lifestyle is a bit weird.
    Im in the armed forces so where i live, i cant cook my own meals etc. so i just eat what everyone else does.
    and its usually processed cheap rubbish.
  • If you buy alpen bars and can't stop thinking about them, don't buy them. I know that sounds a bit silly but trust me... I gave up sugar about a month ago, so no cake, biscuits, chocolate etc and I feel so much calmer, I don't (usually) have those irritating cravings nibbling away at my mind all the time. Last week I bought a bar of sugar free chocolate thinking that would be ok, from the MOMENT it was in the house, I couldn't stop thinking about it, fretting about it, wanting it, until the moment I caved in and ate it all. I felt weak, but it taught me a lesson:

    I can't have the things I crave. Ever, probably. I don't have them in the house (for me anyway, I have cookies in for the kids) and my mind is (usually!!) clear and without craving, as I know those things are no longer an option. I don't really crave any other food, just sweet stuff. I have to admit I did have a bit of a wobble around time of the month when I would usually turn to chocolate, but eating protein like chicken helps to quiet down the cravings immensely. Hope this helps x
  • ste73
    ste73 Posts: 90
    The only way I can stop myself from binging, is too not have snacks in the house. It doesn't stop me from going into the kitchen 1000 times a night and hoping somethings magically appeared in the cupboards or fridge though! lol
  • ugh yeah I know how you feel! sweets are the worst! If I lived on my own I would make more of an effort not to have them in the house but my whole family eats them so it's so hard!!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I find weekends are the worst time for binge eating and when I'm bored.

    So the internet is generally helpful with the boredom, but when even the internet gets boring, that's when I feel the need to eat, though I'm probably not that hungry.

    And the weekend, because DP is at home and eating whatever he likes and it's hard to keep resisting.

    Men! Some are so lucky! Eat whatever they like and stay slim and toned. Grr!
  • Lol i know! i envy my bf for being able to eat whatever he wants all the time!
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