Women - what weight were you at when you started bulking?

I know everyone is different, but I am curious.


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    There is going to be quite a bit if variance obviously depending on height, bodyfat, goals etc.

    I am 5'7" btw.

    First bulk: 121lbs (I don't know my BF% but let's just say too lean and undermuscled)

    Second bulk: 125lbs, BF% around 18-19% (would be my guess)
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I am 5'0". I started around 104-105 pounds in October. I am just over 109 pounds now with my projected end date as Feb 28. I am guessing I will end up being 111-112 pounds.
  • Yogidog20
    Yogidog20 Posts: 5 Member
    Started yesterday, 108 5 "2 going for 115
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    edited January 2017
    5'3 started at 132 in August...currently 137. I needed more bulk for lifting comp in Feb. I'm done...mostly.

    ETA: This is actually my 2nd bulk. Last winter...started at 127 and hit 132 by Aug lifting comp...took a break and restarted.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I was around 114-115 with a goal of 120 (5'3"). I'm around 116-117 now. Not sure if I'm going to like 120...
  • aye_reesey
    aye_reesey Posts: 4 Member
    5'5 started at 129 in November currently 136. I want to stop in February but I'm starting to get uncomfortable now so may stop sooner
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started at 110. I bulked until I hit 120.
  • lauamy96
    lauamy96 Posts: 102 Member
    edited January 2017
    75lbs. Currently at 85lbs and going to stop at 90lbs. But I am 5 feet tall so it's gonna be a normal weight lol.
  • krystynkaa
    krystynkaa Posts: 6 Member
    I want to gain weight. I was 96 then gained to 114, then lost weight after my breakup. I am now around 110 and I want to gain to 125. I need help gaining and getting more calories in. I'm 5'4.
  • BonyCastro
    BonyCastro Posts: 110 Member
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm 5'4". I bulked when I was about 127 or 128. Seems heavy. It may have been but I was pretty lean at that weight. I bulked until 142, tried to cut but failed, and gained back up to 148.

    I'm a chunker now but I was training my butt off while I accidentally gained, so I have high hopes there is some good stuff under this fat.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    5'3 started at 132 in August...currently 137. I needed more bulk for lifting comp in Feb. I'm done...mostly.

    ETA: This is actually my 2nd bulk. Last winter...started at 127 and hit 132 by Aug lifting comp...took a break and restarted.

    Wow. I gained so fast. When I started at 127 in November I was 142 by March. I bulked on 2000 calories though which wasn't much and kinda sucked. It was like a tease.
  • ashleyhauser8
    ashleyhauser8 Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm 5'6" and my first bulk I gained 22 lbs, (fat and muscle). Then I had a successful cut over 3 months and lost 24 lbs and got down to 18% body fat.
    I am now beginning my second bulk and want to gain 10+ pounds within 4 months
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    started bulking at 138 5'7 up to 152 now cutting down to 135-132 we will see where I land in 12 weeks
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    5'3 started at 132 in August...currently 137. I needed more bulk for lifting comp in Feb. I'm done...mostly.

    ETA: This is actually my 2nd bulk. Last winter...started at 127 and hit 132 by Aug lifting comp...took a break and restarted.

    Wow. I gained so fast. When I started at 127 in November I was 142 by March. I bulked on 2000 calories though which wasn't much and kinda sucked. It was like a tease.

    I went VERY slowly with my bulk out of fear of gaining too much too fast. I wasn't super lean at 127lbs (estimating I was at about 22%+BF when I started at 127 based on a previous measurement). Maybe you were leaner at the start?

    I eventually worked up from 2000-2600 calories by the end of the first bulk. This time I only worked up to 2400+ calories. I'm staying just under 2400 right now...ugh, I'm gonna cut after lifting comp in Feb...probably back down to 2100-2200 and take it from there.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    5'3 started at 132 in August...currently 137. I needed more bulk for lifting comp in Feb. I'm done...mostly.

    ETA: This is actually my 2nd bulk. Last winter...started at 127 and hit 132 by Aug lifting comp...took a break and restarted.

    Wow. I gained so fast. When I started at 127 in November I was 142 by March. I bulked on 2000 calories though which wasn't much and kinda sucked. It was like a tease.

    I went VERY slowly with my bulk out of fear of gaining too much too fast. I wasn't super lean at 127lbs (estimating I was at about 22%+BF when I started at 127 based on a previous measurement). Maybe you were leaner at the start?

    I eventually worked up from 2000-2600 calories by the end of the first bulk. This time I only worked up to 2400+ calories. I'm staying just under 2400 right now...ugh, I'm gonna cut after lifting comp in Feb...probably back down to 2100-2200 and take it from there.

    Interesting. I must have just been a horrible logger. I never really ate over 2100/2200. And I got so fat. I weigh 148 in my profile pic and I'm 5"4'. I feel like I must have gained some muscle
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    5'3 started at 132 in August...currently 137. I needed more bulk for lifting comp in Feb. I'm done...mostly.

    ETA: This is actually my 2nd bulk. Last winter...started at 127 and hit 132 by Aug lifting comp...took a break and restarted.

    Wow. I gained so fast. When I started at 127 in November I was 142 by March. I bulked on 2000 calories though which wasn't much and kinda sucked. It was like a tease.

    I went VERY slowly with my bulk out of fear of gaining too much too fast. I wasn't super lean at 127lbs (estimating I was at about 22%+BF when I started at 127 based on a previous measurement). Maybe you were leaner at the start?

    I eventually worked up from 2000-2600 calories by the end of the first bulk. This time I only worked up to 2400+ calories. I'm staying just under 2400 right now...ugh, I'm gonna cut after lifting comp in Feb...probably back down to 2100-2200 and take it from there.

    Interesting. I must have just been a horrible logger. I never really ate over 2100/2200. And I got so fat. I weigh 148 in my profile pic and I'm 5"4'. I feel like I must have gained some muscle

    You look like you have some serious muscle in the pic. I know I have abs...somewhere!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    5'3 3/4 third bulk start Oct 12 to current

    BF% around 19
    SW 109
    CW 116
    GW 123

    No matter what I am not bailing on this bulk.. 14 pound gain should be my "bulk till I can't stand my self any longer" point.
  • sarahi_jesus
    sarahi_jesus Posts: 10 Member
    What do you guys eat?? I am currently 86 lbs and as hard as I try I can't gain weight!
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    What do you guys eat?? I am currently 86 lbs and as hard as I try I can't gain weight!

    If you are having trouble gaining weight eat more calorie dense foods (peanut butter, nuts, cheesecake). Here is a tread to give you some more ideas: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10326769/are-you-a-hard-gainer-please-read/p1