New goal question

Well I have a new goal. To lose 100 lbs by next August. My husband is taking me to Las Vegas for our 10 yr anniversary. I have it figured out that I have to lose 8.3 lbs a month for the next 12 months. Is that to high of a goal to try and lose that much a month or should I try to for a smaller goal?


  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    that is a very manageable rate of loss!! you can do it; you have an entire YEAR! aim for the 100, and even if you were to come up a little short, 80-90 lbs will still make a HUGE difference :o)
  • thibautseeker
    thibautseeker Posts: 69 Member
    That's a good goal to have, remember you might plateau at times but I'm sure you'll nearly get there if not reach your goal! Good luck!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I would jus aim for the 100...its doable......some months may be lower or some may be higher but you can do it!!!
    OURLADYPAULINE Posts: 51 Member
    I lost 42 lbs in 5 months & 10 days...I don't see why not...GO for IT..but don't get discourage, when you hit a stale mate or plateau as they call it :)

    Losin' inches over weight anyday is a VICTORY...! :happy:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    2lbs a week is not unreasonable. It will start coming off at a faster rate and then you will lose a little slower. It all depends on how determined and disciplined you are. I say don't do it for Los Vegas....DO IT FOR YOU! You deserve it! Although a special event is a nice way to celebrate your success and your anniversary. Yes, do it for you! :):flowerforyou:
  • jessilea53
    jessilea53 Posts: 87 Member
    I think you can do whatever you put your mind to. On average its 2 lbs a week, which isnt unrealistic by any means. I had less than that to lose (17), and Ive lost 12 in less than 2 months. Keep your mind to it and you will acheive that, no problem!

    Good luck!