Looking for friends to help keep me motivated!

Edmgirl07 Posts: 29 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
Hi there - my name's Jamie and I'm looking for some new friends to help keep me motivated and more accountable. In the summer I completely fell off of the wagon. I stopped logging my foods and exercising, as a result I'm now the biggest I have ever been. I'm ready to get back at it now and be healthy again. I keep my diary open, and am open to suggestions or advice. If you're in a similar situation and looking for support, please feel free to add me! I also have a fitbit, so if you would like to be friends there as well, you can add me here: [link removed, please send a private message] :)


  • kellylynnshonting
    kellylynnshonting Posts: 108 Member
    Hey there! I was just thinking last night about doing the same thing you have mentioned in your post. Weight loss with a support system is so much easier than going about it alone. If you are still looking for an accountability buddy, I am up for it!

  • lorainas5
    lorainas5 Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2017
    I have been waiting for someone who needs exactly the same! The only part of my weight-loss journey that I have been able to be more disciplined in is my workouts. I have been using fit plan app for 11 weeks now. My only issue is knowing that 85% of weight loss is healthy diet! Unfortunately, I do not have fitbit and I do find it difficult to log onto my fitness pal to the community section. If you would like to text or email let's do this! We can do daily or weekly check ins. I would like to lose 20 pounds.
    My name is Amanda I am 25 married with a 15 month old son. [personal details removed]. I am looking forward to speaking with you and assisting anyway I can for motivation and encouragement!
  • DC_United216
    DC_United216 Posts: 63 Member
    New year would be awesome have some new friends more than welcome to add me anyone !!:)
  • riches41
    riches41 Posts: 127 Member
    Feel free to add me very motivated love helping
  • teachmama79
    teachmama79 Posts: 64 Member

    I'm trying to lose my last 10-15 pounds. I've been on my weight loss journey for 15 years. Over the years I've lost a total of 86 pounds from my highest non pregnancy weight of 226. However, I have gained and lost about 20-30 of those pounds throughout the last 7 or so years. Im currently at 151ish and am trying to get to 135-140.

    Anyone feel free to add me!

  • etboces
    etboces Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I have been on a health quest for the last 5 years doing zumba, bootcamp, hiking, yoga, gym exercises, and walk/jog sessions. I lost weight and gained muscle. At age 55, I am in the best shape I ever been. I am not athletic but I am a true believer exercise heals the body and soul. The hormone endorphin that is released after completing each exercise, brings me to a higher level of happiness and contentment. I challenge myself by increasing reps or speed to keep me motivated and also change my exercise programs weekly to HIIT, tabatas, and weight lifting to make exercise sessions more interesting. When you have a chance, go to the library, take out Extreme Transformation by Heidi and Chris Powell. Highly recommend it.
  • whittinghamtom96
    whittinghamtom96 Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely up for this! I loose motivation so quickly on my own!
  • yoursingingrealtor
    yoursingingrealtor Posts: 80 Member
    At least you fell off the wagon, I completely rolled under it:) I am definitely looking for some help myself along this journey. Please add me as well. I am up about 16 pounds since where I was last year, so I am completely mad at myself. Oh well, it's never too late. You can do this, let's all do this together.
  • For a while I would be doing great, keeping track of my meals and sticking to a great exercise plan I gave myself but I've completely lost motivation! I definitely need someone to progress with and keep each other motivated!!!
  • Evanica
    Evanica Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to have some friends on here! I have bounced back and forth so many times and am ready to quit the cycle!
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    Dear posters,

    I wanted to explain a few edits in this thread. Please ensure all posts meet MFP guidelines.

    The guideline in question reads:

    7. Do Not Publish Private Contact Information

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    You are welcome to share personal details using private messages.

    Please take some time to review the site's guidelines at the following link:


    Thanks for your cooperation. Hope you are enjoying the site.

    Best regards,
    MFP Moderator Team
  • sdmrtn86
    sdmrtn86 Posts: 34 Member
    I have m tried and failed more times then I can count, so I am here and loving the support of the community. I started with a goal to lose 211 pounds and am down 9.8 so far, so will be here for a bit. Would love some support, friendship, and some good times!
  • missteena88
    missteena88 Posts: 153 Member
    You all can do it! Feel free to add me if you need another friend. I'm currently down 74 and have 114 to go
  • dddeans
    dddeans Posts: 29 Member
    Please add me
  • Sector725
    Sector725 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been on mfp for three years. I've never had a strong group of friends on here to back me up. I think I have that now and it has made me WAY more motivated to log everything and get moving. I welcome any new friends!! I have over 100 pounds to lose. I'm 10 down right now!!
  • showerbeer182
    showerbeer182 Posts: 798 Member
    Helloooo there! Feel free to add me if you'd like. More friends the better with the ol motivation game!! Happy Saturday lady!!
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    I made a group for ladies ages about 25-35 who want to lose 30+ for ideas , advice and support if anyone is interested. We'd love to have you! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/118006-superchicks-2017
  • Shawn_in_OKC
    Shawn_in_OKC Posts: 56 Member
    Edmgirl07 wrote: »
    Hi there - my name's Jamie and I'm looking for some new friends to help keep me motivated and more accountable. In the summer I completely fell off of the wagon. I stopped logging my foods and exercising, as a result I'm now the biggest I have ever been. I'm ready to get back at it now and be healthy again. I keep my diary open, and am open to suggestions or advice. If you're in a similar situation and looking for support, please feel free to add me! I also have a fitbit, so if you would like to be friends there as well, you can add me here: [link removed, please send a private message] :)

    If you don't mind lots of sarcasm and the occasional inappropriate joke maybe we can help motivate each other
  • jessej59
    jessej59 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jamie, My name is Julie. I am also looking for new friends. The more the better! I need a strong support system! Looking to lose 39 lbs. and be as healthy as possible with lots of energy!