looking for australian friends to help motivate and push me to success

kasdalara Posts: 16 Member
Hi guys I'm looking for some aussies to help me . During certain parts of the year in pretty active but have bad eating habbits. I'm a horse rider and trampolinist despite my massive weight . I am trying to lose half my body weight.I have BED and I'm working really hard to stop . I need motivation encouragement and theoccasiobal shove I've only been on MFP 2 days. Please add me


  • MaralynManson
    MaralynManson Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I'm in Margaret river. Eating is (was) my passion. I envy people who don't fantasise about living on cream cakes and pizza! Have sent an add request to you.
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    Hi, I'm from WA and have a lot to lose. It's nice to have friends in the same timezone! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • trevorw52
    trevorw52 Posts: 48 Member
    im on the east coast feel free to add me
  • anneingram31
    anneingram31 Posts: 6 Member
    Im in Melbourne. ...feel free to add me as well