stress, no sleep, and fighting solace in chocolate

11pm last night, I get a call - my 81 year old step-dad (of 22 yrs) is in the emergency room! (1,250 miles away). Now, this is compounded as my 69 yr old mother took a fall last week that ended up with her in the emergency room getting stitches. Luckily, she is till mobile. I could not sleep and was up all night waiting for a status update phone call. Which did not come until 6am this morning!

I've tried to nap, but can't. I am just SO overtired. I did make it to spinning class, which helped a bit. I know I need to stick to my diet, but all i can think about is "I want to eat a TON of chocolate!!!! GIVE me CHOCOLATE!!!" I ate a cup of grapes, but....that chocolate hankering is hanging on.

Thank goodness my step-dad stabilized enough to go home, as....he'd been waiting (on a gurney) in the HALLWAY of the hospital, waiting for a room to open up! The doctor said it would be another day, so sent him home! (sorry - just venting here).

How do you cope with overtired-overstress? I am trying so very hard to avoid self-medication by food. I'd go for a walk, but it's raining pretty hard outside. I'm too tired to read, watch tv, or knit (my standard diversions). Any suggestions?


  • Zen_Master_B
    11pm last night, I get a call - my 81 year old step-dad (of 22 yrs) is in the emergency room! (1,250 miles away). Now, this is compounded as my 69 yr old mother took a fall last week that ended up with her in the emergency room getting stitches. Luckily, she is till mobile. I could not sleep and was up all night waiting for a status update phone call. Which did not come until 6am this morning!

    I've tried to nap, but can't. I am just SO overtired. I did make it to spinning class, which helped a bit. I know I need to stick to my diet, but all i can think about is "I want to eat a TON of chocolate!!!! GIVE me CHOCOLATE!!!" I ate a cup of grapes, but....that chocolate hankering is hanging on.

    Thank goodness my step-dad stabilized enough to go home, as....he'd been waiting (on a gurney) in the HALLWAY of the hospital, waiting for a room to open up! The doctor said it would be another day, so sent him home! (sorry - just venting here).

    How do you cope with overtired-overstress? I am trying so very hard to avoid self-medication by food. I'd go for a walk, but it's raining pretty hard outside. I'm too tired to read, watch tv, or knit (my standard diversions). Any suggestions?

    How about some herbal tea and a bath! That is relaxing. It might help what someone told me once "If hunger isn't the problem, eating isn't the answer"
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I understand - different stress, but it's kept me awake a lot of nights lately. When you are this exhausted it is HARD to exercise. It's hard to even think straight. Fixing proper food requires thinking *and* getting up and doing something, while grabbing chocolate would be soooo easy. I don't have any in the house, so that makes running to the store even more work - that is what has saved me lol.

    Just make a decision. Decide to eat something healthy for dinner this evening, after you take a relaxing bath. Do any prep needed (cut veggies or whatever), then go enjoy a bath, then eat something healthy and go to bed early. You can do this.
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    Is the craving for chocolate purely to relieve stress and for comfort, or do you actually feel like you kind of need it? Because it is full of iron which could help you with your feeling tired. Maybe just have a little bit of dark chocolate, a couple of squares, instead of trying to fill it with lots of different foods that will end up getting you over your daily amount. Good luck with your step dad and don't worry too much, every one needs a little break sometimes :) xx
  • Li_Willi
    Li_Willi Posts: 96 Member
    What works for me is I read my Bible and/or pray. For me, prayer (or simply put "talking to God") & being in God's presence calms me down & relaxes me & give me a peace & a calm like nothing else.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Are you the type of person who can be satisfied with a small piece of something you're craving? If so then just treat yourself to a small piece of chocolate so you can stop thinking about it. If you're the type of person who will end up starting with chocolate and moving on the other bad choices, then you need to find something that will satisfy the craving but not start you on a downward spiral. Yoplait Whips yogurt in Chocolate Mousse is wonderful, or try a small glass of chocolate milk.

    Either way, sending good thoughts for you, your Mom and Step-Dad. Its really tough when our parents get older and start to have health issues. I'm sure its even ahrder when you lie so far away........take care!
  • sugarbugger
    Aaw bless you I know exactly how you feel, it was always chocolate I turned to when I was stressed or upset. Protein like chicken helps with sugar cravings, so you could have something like that to help. Grapes probably won't help because they're very sweet which makes your body crave more sugar, but they're not sweet enough to replace chocolate so you still want it! Poor you, maybe a quick shower or a soak in the bath? water is good for washing away unwanted emotions. Hope you manage to get some sleep x
  • nwkarin
    nwkarin Posts: 16
    Thanks for the suggestions! Think I will go make some tea. I will take a bath this evening. (it's only 2:45 in the afternoon where I am at). I'm doing a laundry as a diversion, hot water tank can not support laundry AND a hot bath! :)

    Thank you so much for the support. I just had to *vent*. And - hold myself accountable!

    I love that saying "if hunger is not the problem, food is not the answer"
    Bless you! :)
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Eat a little square of chocolate. Just a little one. Denying yourself only makes you want it more. There are also some teas that have cacao nibs that might help. Tazo makes one called Focus. There are a bunch of others. Just a little bit of milk is all they need, no sugar. They don't have a strong chocolate taste, but the smell is fantastic.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Nice warm, scented bath with my favorite relaxation CD is my standard go to for a stress filled day. Then about 30 minutes of yoga/stretching and I am ready for a good nights sleep.

    Hope your step dad is doing better.
  • nwkarin
    nwkarin Posts: 16
    oh, and sadly - chocolate for me is....a "medium" bag of m&m's. We are talking the size larger then King size - I have no idea how man serving it has, but....WAY TOO MANY!
  • aeryn69
    aeryn69 Posts: 35 Member
    First of all, so sorry that you're going through such a stressful time right now.

    Now then, what I tend to do is.... give in to the craving. A little anyway, don't go hog-wild and eat a ton of chocolate (or whatever your craving of the moment happens to be). But I'm a firm believer that if you're actually craving something, it's for a reason. Go ahead and indulge in a little bit of it. Keep track of it to keep yourself honest. And try to remember that more of it isn't going to make you feel even better, chances are that more of it is going to make you feel worse later on.

    I actually like giving in to cravings now and then, because it reminds me that I'm in control - and sometimes when you're stressed being able to have that control is an important thing. If you can let yourself have a bit of whatever you're craving, and not go overboard, that's a great feeling.
  • nwkarin
    nwkarin Posts: 16
    YOGA! GREAT idea! I have 2 DVD's of yoga! Thank you!!!!

    Many many thanks to all the support. You guys are THE BEST!!!!