Going to the lake next weekend, need advice!!

This upcoming weekend my husband and I are going to the lake with some of his family. I'm worried about not having enough healthy options and too many temptations between all the alcohol and yummy high calorie foods. Alcohol isn't really a big obstacle for me, I can easily not drink while others do (even though it would be nice to have a few cold beers while boating, fishing, swimming, etc.). I'm just worried about the food.

I'm going to try to still go for a daily walk/run so I'm hoping that will help me stay motivated. I'm also going to explain to my in-laws that I want to stick to my healthy eating which won't be too far fetched for them since husband's stepmother is a very healthy eater.

I still need some advice. What are your recommendations as to how I can go on this weekend trip, still enjoy myself but not completely wreck my dieting?


  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    Hopefully, they will grill most of the meals. :) Make a huge salad, bring almonds, fresh fruit, and 100 calorie snacks. I would swim and take long walks. Drink lots of water. You can do it!
  • cbelli
    cbelli Posts: 24
    Good topic. I'm about to go on a cruise and need advice as well. Hopefully some people can help us both. I am trying so hard and I don't want a week of bad eating to ruin all the hard work already done.