looking for some motivated friends

Hi there! I'm going to be 37 this month and had my last child almost 2 years ago and haven't been able to lose any of the weight I put on from her. I'm feeling slow, sluggish, tired and downright lazy. I'm looking for friends to motivate me to get back under 200 lbs. Having 2 kids in the house, its hard to stay away from carbs so I'm looking for people with kids who have some great no-carb, kid friendly recipes. If you don't have kids that's great too. Looking for any motivation really :) can't wait to hear about all your success stories and recipes!


  • paggorham
    paggorham Posts: 18 Member
    Me! I need motivated people as well. Friend request sent!
  • redd_dayspring12
    redd_dayspring12 Posts: 41 Member
    I just started a group. I just came out of a group of woman that made a lot of excuse and had a lot bad days. I have lost 60lbs so far and I'm really serious about my weight loss journey. We will post food pics workout selfies and motivational quotes whatever. We are really small I just started but would love to add others. Let me know.
  • bmc3991
    bmc3991 Posts: 14 Member
    I just started a group. I just came out of a group of woman that made a lot of excuse and had a lot bad days. I have lost 60lbs so far and I'm really serious about my weight loss journey. We will post food pics workout selfies and motivational quotes whatever. We are really small I just started but would love to add others. Let me know.

    Hey I'd love to join your group. Also, feel free to add me anyone!
  • TheUntamedMainer
    TheUntamedMainer Posts: 26 Member
    I could use some new friends. I stopped using this last year so they've almost all ditched me. :expressionless:
  • Sedu1906
    Sedu1906 Posts: 145 Member
    Let's go!!!!
  • redd_dayspring12
    redd_dayspring12 Posts: 41 Member
    My group is on Facebook please msg me there. Noel Marie Perez.
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    Happy to help/motivate as much as you need!
  • katherinearguez
    katherinearguez Posts: 3 Member
    I don't have kids but I go to these two women's website for all my recipes and inspiration. Both have kids and homeschool while cooking all their families meals, and they do so on a budget. They also have family activities to do with kids and such. I've tried A LOT of their recipes and they are always delicious and they are very healthy. One is Wellness Mama and the other is Mommypotamus. I really suggest you check them out. I've lost 5 pounds so far (I've downsided from 200 pounds to 135 over 5 years and I'm working on toning up now), these two women are get inspirations.