Looking for help, I had my thyroid removed because of cancer-can't lose

I had my thyroid removed and now am on synthroid, I cannot lose anything. Anyone else with this problem and what do you recommend- help- my blood pressure is going up too. I walk everyday.
Should I cut out Gluten, I'm frustrated.
Thanks for any help


  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    I just rejoined the community on here to get this same help! Wow great timing
    I'm at a complete loss on this too- gained 82lbs in 6 months
  • jacquelineh388
    jacquelineh388 Posts: 10 Member
    So I have hypothyroidism. Nothing wormed for me until I started the keto diet. I did it for a couple months in 2015, and did really well. Then, because I'm an emotional eater with a stressful job, I went off it. So I started round two last week lol. Good luck on your journey. It seems like it would be difficult without a thyroid. But if you beat cancer, I'm sure you can conquer anything!!
  • jacquelineh388
    jacquelineh388 Posts: 10 Member
    Worked* not wormed lol
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    Good luck to you on your restart!
  • jacquelineh388
    jacquelineh388 Posts: 10 Member
  • dv3177
    dv3177 Posts: 30 Member
    Yep had mine out too in July 2014 for papillary thyroid cancer. How long ago was your surgery, is your medication stable and did you or do you plan to have RAI? Important stuff to know before commenting. I can assure you though it's possible to lose after thyca. I'm down 82 lbs since my total thyroidectomy.
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    That's great to know! My surgery was in June and again 1st of July ( complications during 1st surgery) my numbers are finally getting where they need to be but, just switched doctors since my last refused to check all my levels ( only checked t4) so getting new blood work up next week and we'll go from there.
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    No RAI allergic to iodine
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    There is nothing special to this and studies show that BMR/REE is only impacted by ~5%. Ensure your TSH is between .2-2.0 and your endocrinologist should be pushing you towards hyper (~.2) to minimize risk. You should get a full thyroid panel done, but this is far less critical in total thyroidectomy cases.

    Focus on caloric intake and ensure you are logging accurately. Exercise will help, but if you are not losing weight then you are not in caloric deficit.

  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    My meds have not been in hyper til now, ( hopefully blood test today will verify) they will keep me in hyper to avoid cell reproduction. I'm just restarting this site since gaining this mess of weight so we'lol see how it goes with diet and exercise
  • wessx1
    wessx1 Posts: 58 Member
    ctrygrl47 wrote: »
    I had my thyroid removed and now am on synthroid, I cannot lose anything. Anyone else with this problem and what do you recommend- help- my blood pressure is going up too. I walk everyday.
    Should I cut out Gluten, I'm frustrated.
    Thanks for any help

    Heya , i am a thyroid patient too .. yes it does become a struggle to lose but it is not impossible you just need to double your efforts. You might reach a stage when you scale and see that your weight is still the same, just don't give up. It happened with me it took me 6 months to drop 20 lbs when i used to drop the same in 3 months.
    All the best ! Cheers!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    There are two points to success with this or any other issue related to manual regulation of a hormone:

    1. Consistency - you are now without a gland that previously functioned in concert with other glands in your body. You now need to minimize the randomness in your life. Success comes from routine. Take your meds on a time that maximizes uptake. Hydration is also key.
    2. Hormones are free cycling. This means that being overweight is causing your body to produce more hormones to maintain balance, so simply being overweight is causing your glands to work harder and less efficiently.

    The best thing you can do for your health is get to a healthy BMI through moderate caloric deficit.