Looking for weight loss friends

Hey! I'm looking for some weight loss minded friends to help keep me accountable as I lose this weight. A little about me...I work full time as a nurse. I'm 5'2 and would love to lose about 25 pounds so I can get into the 130's and then maybe try to get into the 120's! If you want to be weight loss buddies, send me a request!


  • BrookeMoody1330
    BrookeMoody1330 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! My name is Brooke working mom of a sweet 1 year girl. :) I weigh 194 and would love to be at my prepregnancy weight of 150!! I need friends that will help me get to my goals!!
  • YoselineG
    YoselineG Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I would love to be your buddy! Started working out once again and need to lose about 40 lbs. I am also 5'2". I love to monitor other's improvements as it serves to keep me motivated! Good luck!
  • KristinNitsirk
    KristinNitsirk Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! Im 5'2" as well, and in nursing school. My weight yoyos alot, Im hoping to break that cycle and be more accountable with mfp. Id love some friends.
  • wondy75
    wondy75 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there. I'm start nursing school this week and would love some motivation and support for both school and health!
  • Anmari2017
    Anmari2017 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! Just started and I'm 5'2, single mom of 2 teens and need to loose 60 lbs, by August due to my nieces wedding. Not sure how it can be done BUT I believe that "with God on my side nothing is impossible" if I give it my best try!
    So, I would love some good motivational friends and would like to hear new ideas whether it's a good work out/dancing/biking/hiking/new meals ideas, or just how your feeling today! Let's DO THIS!
  • Im 5"5 193 now. Im trying to get to my prepregnancy weight of 125. I had my 2nd child 3 months ago so im trying to stay motivated and get back in shape.
  • 216vickyb
    216vickyb Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! Working towards a healthier weight, so I can decrease the pain I am feeling in my knees and ankles. Have loss weight before only to gain it back, which has left me feeling a little frustrated. Looking for some friends to chat with and discuss different weight loss ideas.
  • mrsrobinson42013
    mrsrobinson42013 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I want to lose a total of 70 pounds but my first goal is set at 40. Looking for some cool people that will motivate me as well as me motivating them to stay on track!!! Good luck to u all!!!
  • Destinychngr
    Destinychngr Posts: 103 Member
    You can add me - I can't friend request on mobile.
  • miska34
    miska34 Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me
  • Lioness_1978
    Lioness_1978 Posts: 3,938 Member
    Any of you can add me too
  • schalla27
    schalla27 Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me. I live in The Woodlands, TX. Working full mom of 1 5 year old boy. Trying to get some will power to loose 40lbs.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Anyone is more than welcome to add me ...wishing everyone the best :)