Looking for like minded MFP'rs to support each other

mrramsey1969 Posts: 46 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
Here's the low down.... I am just an everyday middle aged guy on the road to dropping 60ish pounds. I didn't say lose it because I have no intention of ever finding it again.

I am not a motivator, that is something you have to find within yourself. I am however, driven by setting my goal and reaching it. I am open to constructive criticism, sharing ideas and concepts that work as well as the ones that don't. Good food recipies etc... You get the good with the bad here.

I do not go to the gym... I don't like it. I have done it before, spent the cash and end up stopping after 3 or so months. At the moment I am primarily walking, I have a treadmill and walk the beast of a dog I have when the weather is good.

I started logging again about a week ago and picked up walking then as well. I just finished my last 'workout' if you will for the week topping out 38.1 miles for the week. I am walking...a lot. My last stint on mfp was ended 3 years ago a lot of life issues and it was kind of a downhill slide from there. I lost about 48 pounds then and will do it again.

I plan to add some strength training to the regimen in a few weeks or so and hope to even add some running in the future.

If you want to share the journey feel free to send a friend request. (I don't need a personal trainer, my son is a trainer and competition olympic lifter)


  • QuickPE75
    QuickPE75 Posts: 12 Member
    I lost 70lbs about 4 years ago on here, and am looking to rediscover that motivation again (after "finding" 50 of the lbs). FR sent!
  • mrramsey1969
    mrramsey1969 Posts: 46 Member
    QuickPE75 wrote: »
    I lost 70lbs about 4 years ago on here, and am looking to rediscover that motivation again (after "finding" 50 of the lbs). FR sent!

    Right there with you man!

  • mrramsey1969
    mrramsey1969 Posts: 46 Member
    Shamless bump ;)
  • maryann70mfp
    maryann70mfp Posts: 21 Member
    Add me please
  • 1besito
    1besito Posts: 10 Member
    Hi :) I lost 75 ish pounds about 5 years ago.
    I slowly gained it back.
    I lost the weight rather quickly, within 7 months. I basically logged what I ate and rode my bike. I ate 6 meals a day. Small meals. That seemed to be the first thing to go. That was my first time ever being on a diet/making a life change. My hubby is on board now. He wasn't before... so! Looking to make friends on this journey.