Jillian Michaels- 30 day shred

Hey so im new on here so bear with me lol.
Ive just started this and i was wondering if anyone has had good results from this work out?
Im a mum of 2 (4yrs & 9months) and logically and financially this is the only way i can get my exercise in until ive passed my driving test there is nothing atall in my area fitness wise its shocking! If youve tried it id love to hear your stories. Im on day 4today and my body aches all over so thats gotta be a good thing :)


  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Hi Leanne,
    I used it a few years ago and I found it a good introduction to exercise, especially if you find making time/getting out to a gym a problem or have been away from workouts for a while like I was.
    Exercise trends change (I'm just logging into the forum for the first time in ages; I've just been doing running for the past few years so I'm a bit behind with what's hot now with home exercise!) so there are probably more popular/newer/better training videos out there that have taken over the Jillian Michaels mantel but certainly I liked the way she showed each move properly, you didn't need a load of fancy equipment and it ramped up each week so you really did feel a difference as you progressed through the program.
    It's great for toning up muscles you have probably forgotten even existed and it's adaptable depending on how fit you already are.
    Go for it - you have nothing to lose and lots to gain and when you finish 30DS you'll be in a much better shape than you were at the beginning as it gets a lot tougher as you progress! :)
  • ferrari_mad
    ferrari_mad Posts: 2 Member
    Loved it! I lost inches doing this dvd. I've probably done this about four/five times. It's always the dvd my wife goes back when she wants to tone up.
  • leanneclarke2012
    leanneclarke2012 Posts: 11 Member
    I intend on doing it for a couple months once i hit level 3 ill stay there, im doing it 6days a week :) before i moved house there was a gym at the top of my street i loved it! When i took my oldest to nursery id go there i lost 2 stone then fell pregnant and put it all bk on +an extra stone :( i have a holiday booked in may and i want so bad to feel comfortable in my own skin again, and shift this mum tum lol. I always used to watch the biggest looser so as soon as i saw this on youtube i liked it :) ive also done my measurements too so i can track how many inches i loose