Weight watcher and serving size Please help!

I went to OG last night I am new to this so I had my dining companion it said that the apricot chicken 9 points per 1 serving it comes with two pieces of chicken does that mean it would cost 18 points? Maybe a dumb question but I just started ww Friday:/


  • highdesertgirl
    I'm on ww. yes it would be 18 points :{
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    You can estimate the points by knowing how many ounces the chicken was. 1 oz. of chicken is one point and that is when there is nothing on it. I would think that the two pieces probably were in that range. I doubt you would get 18 oz. of chicken on a plate! Anyway I would count it as 9 points. Hope this helps.
  • diamondigrl
    I only ate one piece just in case!