hello, I just started on My Fitness Plan a couple days ago

Hi. I am SOOO grateful I found this site and app on my DROID! I am grateful to those who started this program and made it free in the android market! I already feel successful! Together, we will get be back into my size 6 wedding dress! :-)


  • Keep up the great attitude! Good luck to you on your journey!
  • corymomma
    corymomma Posts: 405 Member
    I'm glad to know it's available for the droid market. I will be getting a smart phone when I either finally have enough of the one I have and hate, and/or when I have saved up a little bit of money. Then again it may be both. Bear Hugs :)
  • I hear ya! I have gained 24 lbs since I found out my parents were divorcing almost a year ago now! Almost done with day 4 and loving this site & app! The bar code scanner is awesome and so easy!
  • jaci34
    jaci34 Posts: 225 Member
    You can do it!!! Good luck!