Moms what's your day look like?

Mommy2two_2 Posts: 33 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
When do you work out? First thing in the morning? Someother time? How do you fit in feeding everyone, showering etc!!

Just looking to see how everyone squeezes in workout time ☺️


  • 30kgin2017
    30kgin2017 Posts: 228 Member
    ATM its school holidays where we live so I can exercise after I get home from picking up kids after I finish work (at home workout). My kids 9,7 & 5 so they'll watch tv or whatever while I work and are capable of getting their own snack. I did get the oldest to help my cook dinner last night so we werent eating too late.

    When school goes back I'll end up having to get up in the morning and workout. After school/work activities most days but sometimes i can squeeze in a run between drop off/pick up if my husband is home to watch the other kids. Helps if hubby cooks dinner while I am out but that depends on what is on the menu.
  • fatemaa
    fatemaa Posts: 7 Member
    Evenings workout better for me. Going to work and then coming home to cooking and cleaning only leaves the evening for my workout. On my days off I like to get my workouts done first thing in the morning.
    Sometimes on busy weeks I have to plan where I will be able to squeeze in my workout. Morning, middle of the day or evenings, basically whatever works out.
  • SoxyKitten
    SoxyKitten Posts: 80 Member
    As soon as my daughter leaves for school I head to the gym for strength training. Then 3 days a week after school we both go for a little run. This is a new thing for us. I'm trying to encourage her to be more active. She's 10 yrs old.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    my kids are older and dont really need me (thank goodness its been a long time coming LOL) i get up between 3-4 (yes, in the morning), have sex, commiserate with my love about how early it is and how were both screwed up for getting up at that hour, prep dinner (usually crock pot something), drink copious amount of coffee, go to gym around 6, get to work around 8 30, send my love about 800 texts asking if its time to go home yet and/or if we won the lottery yet, get home around 6 / 6 30 (depending on how soon i run away from my desk), eat dinner, take a bath, have sex, and asleep around 9.
  • leanneclarke2012
    leanneclarke2012 Posts: 11 Member
    Im a mum of 2 boys (4yrs and 9months) i work out on a night, i put my oldest to bed at 7 and my partner and baby go upstairs and he settles and puts little one to bed so i can work out :) x
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    When both kids were home (both are in elementary school now), I was up at 6 (husband was gone by 530), made breakfast, kids were usually up by 6 also, get dressed, leave house by 8 to drop off older kid at pre-k, drop-off older kid, headed to gym, put younger kid in gym daycare for 2 hours, leave gym (with younger kid), pick up older kid, home for lunch and naps OR pick up lunch from Subway and head to playground.

    I cleaned the house, did laundry, all that fun stuff during naps, kids woke up, we usually did an activity, kids had "free play" while I started dinner around 3:30. Kids and I ate dinner around 430, cleaned up dinner, husband you get home around 530, he'd eat dinner, kids would watch tv for about 30 mins, bathe, then husband would do bedtime. Kids would be in bed by 7pm...and I would plop down on the bed by 8, watch tv, and be asleep by 9.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    My husband and I both work, so we split morning/afternoon kid duties. We have a 2-year old and a 10-year old.
    I get EVERYTHING ready the night before (lunches packed, clothes laid out, etc) and roll out of bed at 4:30 am to work out. Leave the house by 5 am to be at the gym by 5:30. Workout 5:30-6:30 then shower and get dressed there, then I'm at work by 7 am. My husband gets the kids up and off to school/daycare in the mornings.
    Since I get in early I leave work by 4, pick up kids, help with homework, and make dinner. Then my husband gets home and we have general family time the rest of the evening.
    It works really well for us!
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    edited January 2017
    4-5am: Wake up, feed baby. Put her back to sleep.
    5:00-6:30am: Drink coffee. Eat something. Use bathroom in peace. Take shower in peace. Enjoy the peace.
    6:30am: Everyone wakes up. Chaos ensues.
    7:30am: Breakfast for all.
    8:30-10:30am: Baby naps. Big kids play in playroom usually. I either clean, take a shower, or do cardio videos with bigger kids (depending what we have planned for the day).
    10:00-11:30am: Run errands or go on playdates if needed.
    11:30am: Lunch for all.
    12:00-2:00pm: Naps. I do any housework I couldn't get to earlier. Laundry, dishes, floors, etc.
    2:00-4:00pm: More chaos. More survival. Get dinner ready; keep in fridge for later.
    4:00-4:30pm: Get all the kids and myself ready.
    4:30pm: Hubby comes home. Load up everyone and head to the gym.
    4:30-5:30pm: Gym time.
    5:30pm: Come home and grab dinner from fridge, feed the masses.
    6:00-7:00pm: Get everyone ready for bed. Hubby grabs a shower while the older kids take a bath. I put baby down for bed. We both put bigger kids down to bed.
    7:00pm: All kids in bed. Thank you Jesus. I take a shower or a hot bath and drink wine. I earned it.
    7:30-8:30pm: Hang out with hubby.
    8:30/9ishpm: Go to bed. Prepare to wake up 3x a night with various little children. Wake up at 4am and do it all over again the next day.

    ETA: I'm a stay at home mom of three little ones.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    My husband goes to work early, I get up as he leaves to prepare breakfast and the day (for my two kids aged 3 and 11 months). Three days a week my toddler goes to daycare so I get her ready and take her. Usually on those days I workout when the baby naps. If both are home, I will wait until baby naps and then put on a video or set up a special activity for my toddler to keep her busy. Sometimes she watches me/ cheers me on in the gym, or does yoga with me too.

    The day is mostly a mix of meal preparation, breastfeeding, changing diapers, cleaning, laundry, setting up activities and playing with the kids as well as trying to get a bit of me time in!
  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    My kids are 6 and 9 and I work full time. My schedule goes like this:

    4:30-4:4am wake up
    5:15-6:30am gym
    6:45-7:15am shower and dress for work
    7:30am wake kids and give them breakfast, pack lunches
    8:00am get kids dressed for school
    8:30am take kids to school, go to work
    5:30pm go home, make dinner, family time
    6:30pm homework
    8:30pm bedtime for kids
    9:30-10:00pm bedtime for me

    later, rinse, repeat :)
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    My kids are 3 (almost 4), 6 and 9 for reference. I work full time and my husband has been a stay at home dad, but is returning to work tomorrow actually, so that will impact my schedule.

    Currently -
    4 am - wake up
    4:10 - arrive at gym (we live a block away)
    5:50 - get home from gym, shower, get ready for work.
    6:30 - leave for work
    3:30 - head to pick up kids from daycare/school
    5ish - dinner
    6 - head to whatever sporting event we have going on that night (currently swimming, dance and basketball season)
    8 - lights out for the kids and I.

    When he goes back to work, we'll split the morning workout. I'll get up a bit earlier and get home at 5:15, so he can go and be back by 7 and I'll push my work schedule back a bit. He'll still do drop off in the mornings and I'll pick kids up.
  • KatelinDz
    KatelinDz Posts: 8 Member
    I have a 2 and half year old and a five year old and I work full time. I either work out at lunch (I have an hour) or in the evenings after the kids are in bed. My husband is very supportive of my gym time and doesn't mind staying home with the kiddos
  • Brithicks
    Brithicks Posts: 148 Member
    I'm a full time grad student and a stay at home mom of a 4 and 7 year old. I go to the gym at 9/9:15 Monday-Wednesday and Friday and hubby comes with on saturday and sunday. My kids come with to the childcare when they are not in school. When I am working on my thesis or other big papers, I ride a recumbent bike and take advantage of the 2 hours per day I can use the childcare. In the summer, I take both kids at 8 every day and then have a babysitter/camp set up for twice a week to work on school.
  • mandabeth34
    mandabeth34 Posts: 158 Member
    I have a 3 yr old and a six month old, a husband and full time job. My job has nice perks- I work from home 2 days a week and we have a fitness center at work that offers classes.
    So 2-3 days a week I take a fitness class at work on my lunch break, and the 2 days I work from home I go for short runs on my lunch break. Weekends I get more running in, usually a longer solo run or a short run with a kid in the jogging stroller. The jogging stroller was the best investment I ever made!
  • FlippingFins
    FlippingFins Posts: 20 Member
    I have a two year old. I look after her all day and work all evening. For the first two years of her life, exercise hasn't been an option (never mind a priority). She is now able to swim around on her own, and as such I've been able to do some actual swimming when we go to the pool, so that's now our thing.

    We have a swimming membership and we go 2-3 times a week and spend a couple of hours in the pool. On top of that, we do lots of walks. I'm with her constantly during the day and don't get evenings to myself, so whatever I do has to be something that can be done with her, which has become significantly easier immediately after her second birthday.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    My son is 13, I work full time, and I also do a lot of volunteer work. During the week I work out after work. I come home, get dinner started, let my husband know if there's anything that needs to be done to it, and then head to the gym. Sometimes I can talk my son in to going and swimming while I work out too. By the time I get home, dinner is ready and I've still got enough time to help my son with homework, do laundry, watch tv, or head to a meeting for one of the places where I volunteer. I've found that Monday is the only day I can't get this schedule to work (it's the night my son has his Boy Scout meeting) so that is my rest day. Weekends are easier because depending on what I have going on I can go to the gym early in the morning or wait until later in the evening.
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