Type 1 Diabetic here! Looking for MFP friends :)

Hey all!

I'm type 1 diabetic (insulin dependent) and have been on a journey to really take better care of myself from a LONG stint of, well, just not. I was diagnosed at 10 years old, so I've been diabetic 15 years now, wearing an insulin pump for the last 5.

I joined MFP as a way to help really see the content of what I'm putting in my body to help figure my insulin ratios better and overall stop the roller coaster of blood sugars by maintaining a low carb lifestyle.

For those familiar with diabetic terms, my A1c 6 months ago was over 14.0, now it's 7.7. I used to have a diabetic-specific eating disorder, diabulimia, in high school and early college and have NEVER had an A1c that perfect... the always unattainable "golden A1c." BUT NOW! With the RIGHT mindset and wanting HEALTHY change, I have set some goals for myself for my next appt in July: To be in the 6s A1c-wise, and to be in the 170s weight-wise (185ish now)

Anyone, please feel free to add me! Especially any other diabetics :)


  • sauerkr
    sauerkr Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Type 1. I was diagnosed at age 41 on Nov 7 2014. I've been healthy my entire life and have no family history of diabetes so it was a huge shock. I was admitted to the hospital with DKA and was close to death. My A1c since diagnosis has been between 5.4 and 7.4. I eat a lot carb diet and exercise 4 days a week. I've been struggling since diagnosis to lose weight, but my scale won't move. Before diagnosis I had lost 30 pounds in 2 months so I knew something was wrong. I gained it all back before leaving the hospital. I chose to eat low carb so I don't need to take a lot of insulin. I take no more than 14 units a day usually less and 12 units of Humalog at night.
    Any tips for losing weight would be appreciated.
  • lolag12
    lolag12 Posts: 1 Member
    Can I just say, I'm soooo pleased to see other T1Ds on here! My A1C is around 10, and I'm trying to get it down to 6. I've always thought of myself as a complacent diabetic and well controlled. But I feel like my cheat days, turn into weeks, turns into months, and now years. Now I'm 180 lbs, and a higher A1C. And, I want to have kids in the next couple of years! So now is the time to make the change! I'm starting with tracking food and my blood sugars, this should NOT be a novel idea to a diabetic, but I can't change the past, just move forward!
  • susandobsonaldridge
    susandobsonaldridge Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking to connect as well with other Type 1's! I was diagnosed at age three over 42 years ago but have been very overweight the majority of my life and came to Mfp to take back control!
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    sauerkr wrote: »
    I'm Type 1. I was diagnosed at age 41 on Nov 7 2014. I've been healthy my entire life and have no family history of diabetes so it was a huge shock. I was admitted to the hospital with DKA and was close to death. My A1c since diagnosis has been between 5.4 and 7.4. I eat a lot carb diet and exercise 4 days a week. I've been struggling since diagnosis to lose weight, but my scale won't move. Before diagnosis I had lost 30 pounds in 2 months so I knew something was wrong. I gained it all back before leaving the hospital. I chose to eat low carb so I don't need to take a lot of insulin. I take no more than 14 units a day usually less and 12 units of Humalog at night.
    Any tips for losing weight would be appreciated.

    Your note touched my heart. I don't have type 1. I just want to wish you good luck and if you find out why your low carb eating isn't helping you losee weight let me know please.

    I will offer that you send Dr Adam Bally an email and ask the general questions about your situation. He gives a weekly pod cast called Keto Talk. He seems to be very knowledgeable on Ketogenic diets and diabetes he is a bariatric physician.
  • sjgiguere
    sjgiguere Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, looking for Dtype1ers who can support me in my battle to lose weight. I have been always fit and thin until 6 years ago when I became a type 1. Using the dexcom is amazing and keeps my bs in check. Please add me to your friends listso we can support one amother!
  • mhyer1202
    mhyer1202 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I have had type 1 diabetes for almost 20 years (diagnosed at 10) and all throughout my high school years, college and into adulthood I had a hard time with overeating, keeping my sugar in check and weight. As a type 1 diabetic our metabolisms aren't the same as everyone else's. It was hard for me to get that. MFP has been the only thing that has really helped me and I'm so thankful for it. It is a system that I have tried to go without after a couple years of being on but really I am much healthier with it. As diabetics our lives are all about the numbers right?! Good luck to everyone on their journey! It is so worth it and MFP makes it so easy!
  • teresasupermama
    teresasupermama Posts: 6 Member
    Okay, got a soft spot for diabetics. Mom of not one, but two type 1-ers. It's a tough, tough disease, especially for young adults. I think it's easier for the little kids then the 16-24 year olds. Great goals! I'll leave it up to you if you want a mommy for a friend send me a request because I might just wind up mom-ing you, lol. I try not to be naggy, but I'm pretty knowledgeable on type 1.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Hey ALL! Yep, I'm a T1Diabetic, almost 40 years, A1c of 5.2. Like a lot of you here, I'm on a pump. Feel free to add me, I've been here for a while and I'm on IG at mitphotomn (because besides being into fitness, I'm a photographer in the Midwest)
  • Sharisunshine
    Sharisunshine Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello everyone! I am also a type 1, since I was 14. I'm 39 now so you can do the math. I've struggled with losing weight for years!! I'm currently on the transplant list for a pancreas, but not active pending weight loss so this is a big issue for me. My dad had a kidney and pancreas transplant a couple years ago. Please feel free to add me as a friend!!!
  • karileanne5274
    karileanne5274 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey all, Im also a Type 1, I just got diagnosed a month ago :( The doctor's originally diagnosed me with type 2 over a year ago, but then all of a sudden the medication wasnt working anymore and I got really sick and they did another test and turns out I had what they call the honeymoon phase and am now dx as Type 1. 2016 was a very hard year, I was sick for the most of it and really depressed, but now my A1c and my numbers are in control and I'm starting to feel a whole lot better. This is still really all new to me and Im still trying to figure out what works so any new friends dealing with the same thing would be awesome!
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    Diagnosed Type 1 last summer after being prediabetic for a few years. I was already using MFP for weight loss, now I use it to count my carbs. I'm not using a pump. Most days my insulin is under 10 units and my last A1C was 6.5. I'm down 30# since my diagnosis...
  • jennylynch1
    jennylynch1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm a T1D. Diagnosed at age 11 and I've been living with diabetes for 22 years. I currently wear a pump and a CGM. I've always been a little overweight but over the past year the weight has really crept on. I used to hover around 155 and I’m not sitting at 184. I've gotten very lazy with control so I am using MFP to track my food, exercise and water and use it to better calculate my carbs so that I can bring my A1C down. I had my son 4 years ago and I was in the best control of my life for that pregnancy. After having him it was like I fell off the wagon with control and have never quite gotten back there. We'd like to have another child but unless I can get my A1C in control and drop some weight I don't think that will happen. My last A1C was 9.2 and I’ve got to get it down to the 6-7 range to even think about conceiving again. Time is not on my side since advance maternal age is just 2 years away so I've got to do this now or never. I'd love a solid T1D community, especially if it included other T1D moms!
  • jacdeltur
    jacdeltur Posts: 3 Member
    Hello :) T1 -diagnosed at 8 Though my control is good (pump user for 14 years), I find it next to impossible to lose weight. I'm about 10 pounds past what I feel is comfortable with and the scale won't budge in the right direction!. I'm a strict vegetarian, very careful to control calories and the type of food I eat, run 20+ km per week and am very active as an elementary teacher. Came to MFP to see if tracking food might help, but have actually put on a few pounds since starting! (I have even paid for WW with no luck!) From the research I've done, insulin promotes fat storage, etc, but really struggling.
    Who else is struggling with this?