Anyone 5'5" maintaining in the 110 (one-hundred teens)?

I am 5'5.25" and have a body fat in the upper teen %, probably about 19% right now but usually lower. Is anyone will similar stats maintaining in the teens? My original goal was 118 just because I'd love to see the teens and have never maintained that in my adult life. But after being stuck at a low of 123.2 the past 2 and a half months I'm wondering if this is too lofty of a goal.

I wear on average a size 2 but range from 0-4. I know I'm already at a healthy weight and bmi so I am not trying to me vain, so please no negative remarks. :) It's everyone's journey and this is just my goal. I am debating whether to change it and start maintaining but I don't want to give up either. Anyone who has gone through something similar I'd love your feedback!


  • cocobeenie
    cocobeenie Posts: 98
    I'm 5'5 and my goal is to maintain at 115. I've been at 117 for a while now but actually I just changed my goals last night to a net 1300 from 1200 to make my diet a little less stressful.

    Since being in the low 120's I'd say I have tightened up on my nutrition goals. I upped my protein intake and really paid attention to what kind of calories I was consuming. As little processed stuff as I can, protein with every meal and healthy fats. Low saturated fat, sugar, sodium, high protein and fiber, and medium carb. That's what powered me into the teens, I think.

    To stay in the teens and get to my goal I want to try eating wayyyyy more bulky veggies (like broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, etc) with my meals and maybe add some strength training like I've been talking about since forever...