Is eating strictly 800 calories a day bad for you

Im new to the dieting and afraid to keep gaining, I started the 800 calories a day thing and in total I have lost 10 I need healthy ideas to get up to 1200 calories if 800 is not safe long term I have 5 kids so cooking healthy is sometimes a challenge really really need ideas please


  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    eat more calorie dense foods. Avocado. Nuts. Cook with oil (and track it). And yes, 800 cals a day is not enough.

    When did you start? How long did it take you to lose the 10 pounds?
  • tresterbriana
    tresterbriana Posts: 6 Member
    10 pounds in 7 days, I didnt think 800 calories were enough thank you for your ideas
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Up your calories to at least the 1200 minimum, more if MFP advises a higher calorie goal.

    With 5 children you need fuel your day!

    You can eat anything as long as it fits into your calorie goal. Try having smaller portion of the calorie dense portion of the family meals and adding in more vegetables.

    Work toward upping the nutritional value of meals.

    Cheers, h.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Im new to the dieting and afraid to keep gaining, I started the 800 calories a day thing and in total I have lost 10 I need healthy ideas to get up to 1200 calories if 800 is not safe long term I have 5 kids so cooking healthy is sometimes a challenge really really need ideas please

    1200 is MFP's default minimum for women, and that's before exercise. The reason is to help you meet nutritional minimums.

    Calorie dense foods (small servings): Nuts, nut butter, full fat dairy, eggs, olive oil, full fat salad dressing, avocado.

    Roast veggies in olive oil. Smear nut butter on a piece of fruit. Add chopped nuts to oatmeal. Add avocado to a salad.
  • tresterbriana
    tresterbriana Posts: 6 Member
    My weight goal is to lose the extra 60 pounds ive put on I am 5"4
  • Slade366
    Slade366 Posts: 2 Member
    Make sure you add a multi-vitamin
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    10 pounds in 7 days, I didnt think 800 calories were enough thank you for your ideas
    My weight goal is to lose the extra 60 pounds ive put on I am 5"4

    The first week likely includes water weight loss but moving forward aim for losing 1.5 pounds per week. When you put that goal and your stats in MFP, how many calories per day does it tell you to eat?
  • korny09
    korny09 Posts: 4 Member
    Long term this is not healthy.
  • tresterbriana
    tresterbriana Posts: 6 Member
    It says 1200 daily, most of the food I eat is fiber or protein and I stick to 2 300 calorie meals and banana and grapes to make up the 200. Believe me I want to eat more just afaid ill gain instead of lose just need healthy ideas
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    800 is way too little. Is losing weight worth it if you're not healthy enough to take care of those kids? You'll still lose weight eating a proper amount of calories.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    800 cals a day is great... if you are 3'6".
    Realistic long term goals: Losing 0.5% to 1% of your body weight a week (So if you weigh 700lbs, then 7lbs a week might be ok, but if you weigh 250lbs then 2.5lbs should be your max, and on either of those you are losing so fast your skin can't make the adjustment) And the closer you get to your goal the slower your fat loss should be, so that you are figuring out how to eat to stay at your goal weight, reducing the chances of you saying "Made it, no more diet needed" and being back here in a year talking about how you gained it all back.

    I suggest looking this over
  • tresterbriana
    tresterbriana Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone will up calories intake really didnt think 800 was enough
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    Definitely too little calories.
    Not sustainable, and may even be dangerous.
    Glad you will be upping your intake of calories. A very wise decision.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited January 2017
    800 calories diets are usually followed under doctor's supervision by morbidly obese patients who will die unless they lose weight immediately.

    In the aftermath of such drastic diets, these patients show greatly reduced metabolic rates (metabolic adaptation) to such a low caloric intake. The legacy of drastic dieting is a need to eat at a reduced caloric level below what is expected.

    Your body can only burn so much stored fat a day. If you are creating too great a caloric deficit and especially if you are doing so without eating enough protein and strength training, your body will start go to other tissues to get the energy it needs, including muscle and bone.

    Yes, I'm trying to scare you OP.

    No one who is 60 pounds overweight will gain weight eating 1200 calories.

    Please read the posts that are stickied at the top of the forums about logging accurately, learn how to track your food intake, and start eating more.

    I am going to start eating the 1200 I want to do this safely that is why I asked

    I am so happy to hear that. I honestly have no idea how you had the energy to keep up with 5 kids on so few calories!

    The real idea here isn't just about losing weight, the idea is learning to ultimately manage weight. You want to be able to keep off the weight you lose, right?

    Read the posts I mentioned so you learn. That way you'll have the information you need to start thinking about things in a healthier way so you can move forward and continue managing your weight as you lose it and then maintain that loss.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It says 1200 daily, most of the food I eat is fiber or protein and I stick to 2 300 calorie meals and banana and grapes to make up the 200. Believe me I want to eat more just afaid ill gain instead of lose just need healthy ideas

    Just fiber, protein, bananas and grapes? None of the essential dietary fats? Are you hitting the minimum amount of fat your body needs? No starches? What about your micronutrients like dairy, iron, B vitamins, etc? Are you hitting your minimums on those?

    800 calories is not going to be enough. You might find some ideas of what you can eat here: