Need some serious help.. starting over after gaining back?

Hi guys.

I lost 120 lbs in 2014. I was doing great but then started taking anti depressants which led to weight gain, and then got married and comfortable. I have now gained back 60 lbs of the weight I loss. I am now so uncomfortable and unhappy and stressed with the weight gain that I don't want to exercise because I'm grossed out by what I have done. I know I need to start fresh but I have been on auto pilot for so long and eating huge portions and I feel like I don't even remember how I started losing weight last time. I need some serious motivation and help. I want to start a family and get pregnant at some point but I want to be in far better shape before I do it so I can try to maintain my weight while pregnant. Help!!!


  • jstore100
    jstore100 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am in a similar space with the same feeling - lost 30 lbs only to gain back 15 and know I need to lose about 50 more! I am feeling somewhat apathetic but looking for that same motivation! Maybe we can help each other? The last time was my only true success and I believe it came because I had a best friend doing it with me which made it fun and feel easy and just felt like my life, not a burden. Want to start with small easy goals? I will log my food today and do something active! Please feel free to message me if you think it will help!
  • noexcuses0626
    noexcuses0626 Posts: 60 Member
    Same here! I lost 105 lbs in 2011-12 and have gained back about 70 lbs :(
    I am just going back to basics, logging everything, moving more, eating less, loads of water, gave up sugary drinks... I'm really trying not to overwhelm myself because I think I got derailed when I started trying to figure out macros and stuff. Make this lifestyle change a priority, no excuses, just get it done. You can do it! I know you can!
  • QueenZombean
    QueenZombean Posts: 6 Member
    One day at a time :) And make sure you celebrate each small victory! I can totally relate.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    You can do it! You've done it before, you know what to do! Just have to keep at it.
  • shortvixen09
    shortvixen09 Posts: 38 Member
    Stop putting yourself down! You can't get back on track doing that. Allow yourself some slack. We all mess up. A lot lol. I fell off for six months and just started back yesterday. Feel free to add me. As long as you're here, there's another chance. Take advantage of it.
  • tine_enubuzor
    tine_enubuzor Posts: 1 Member
    Please don't be grossed out! The first step is to love who you are and then make the effort to better yourself! If you focus on picking healthy choices, staying positive, and continuing to make small changes in diet and exercise, I know you'll reach your goal!
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    You can do it again but you have to get your head in the right place. First of all you need to congratulate yourself on the fact that you kept 60 off! The time to start again is NOW not next week or Monday. You can do this. Start small. Begin by getting into a reasonable calorie range. Do things that you know you can maintain. I've lost weight many times over the years although not as much as I have this time but the difference is I always wanted to lose it fast or for some special occasion. This time I decided to do things I could do for the rest of my life. For exercise I walk. Yup, no fancy gym or trainer. I realized one day when I was walking home from the bus stop that I really liked walking. So that's what I do. It helps. Not everyone is the same you may like Yoga or the gym, do what you like. I also discovered that carbs make me want to eat all the time so I reduced them. I didn't eliminate them because I know I can't maintain that. I try to have a balanced diet and my carbs are my reward for eating the veggies and meat. Remember you have to live with this new way of eating. The best way to do it and keep it off is to make it liveable. If you need a cheat MEAL (not day) then have one every couple of weeks but don't go overboard. Congratulations on maintaining 60 pounds gone. That's an accomplishment.
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Anyone can add me. I keep an open journal and am coming off vacation, so I will be back to my healthy ways.
  • gingercurves
    gingercurves Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you all for the kind responses. I spoke with my husband earlier, ate a healthier lunch and we went to get a gym membership and some new workout stuff. Thank you guys so much. Anyone is free to add me.
  • xxxglaxxx
    xxxglaxxx Posts: 327 Member
    I'm on the same boat. I'm restarting and is super determined to reach my goal this year.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • gidget_05
    gidget_05 Posts: 21 Member
    I only lost 36 pounds but with the help of adipex. I quit taking them. I got scared they would hurt my, thus I have gained all of it back. Weight is a BIG issue to keep it off
  • rkit03
    rkit03 Posts: 280 Member
    I understand how you feel. I regained everything (lost 30 gained 40) and more which was not one of my finer points nor the first time this has happened. Anyway, I'm starting over, again! Good luck to everybody! I hope you each stay strong and committed to weight loss for health. I am determined this time to recognize when I start deviating from plan and reach out for help before gaining back a significant amount.
  • rkit03
    rkit03 Posts: 280 Member
    Oh, I also wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss and for keeping 60 lbs off! That is no small thing.