harry potter verdict, anyone?

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
i know a lot of mfpeeps were going to see it over the weekend. i'm interested in your review of the film! i saw it at the midnight showing, and i really loved about 90% of it - i thought it was extremely well done and stayed true to the book. however, from the moment harry and vodemort jumped off a ledge and went flying through the air while their faces morphed together, it went downhill in a major way. *so* unlike the book, and it really felt like they were focusing on the 3D effects (we watched it in 2D - i find that 3D is overrated) rather than the plot. which was a bummer and left a sour taste on the whole film. but i *loved* everything prior to that, namely snape's big moment (i <3 snape).

what say you?


  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Never seen them or read the books but...Thank GOD is over! FINALLY!!!!!
  • OnlyGodCan
    OnlyGodCan Posts: 91 Member
    Harry Potter is a sorcerer. That is demonic. Don't wanna see it.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    The falling scene was a little over the top, but the rest was so amazing that all is forgiven. Overall it was an amazing movie and a great end!
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    Saw it friday and yes it was not exactly like the book but agreed it was stilll goooooooood!!!!!
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    I still feel the book was better but the movie was amazing. Though I was a little bummed over the way they did the ending, it was still amazing and I enjoyed every minute of it. Of course, I can also seperate books from movies well and it doesn't bother me too much when the change things, they usually do it cause movies need to be big and impressive visually. SO it's all good.
  • abirdy
    abirdy Posts: 36
    I haven't seen the last movie yet but looking foward to it
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Harry Potter is a sorcerer. That is demonic. Don't wanna see it.

    That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. There's magic in the Narnia series as well but C.S. Lewis was a devout Christian. It's a fictional story. Not satanic or demonic. My mom thought the same thing when the Christian school I went to banned HP because of the same reason. My mom read it, laughed at them (she TAUGHT at the school) and let me read them.

    I saw the movie. LOVED it. I agree with you about the ending, but I thought it was so well done that I wasn't too bitter. I loved McGonagall!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    Going to restrain myself for what some of the other posters said, but ANYWAY, HP is GREAT, I'm SO SAD it's over. But at least there is still Pottermore to come! Yay. :D I saw the midnight release and the only tickets left when I got them at a week or so to the movie were 3D and I loved it. I'm usually pretty mad at the movies because I'm a hardcore Potter fan. Been reading them for 13 years now, and they've saved my life many times over. But I was REALLY impressed with it! The Snape bit had me choked up and a little teary. I wished they did a bit more elaborating on a few things...I am going to see it again as soon as I can! :D
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    Harry Potter is a sorcerer. That is demonic. Don't wanna see it.

    That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. There's magic in the Narnia series as well but C.S. Lewis was a devout Christian. It's a fictional story. Not satanic or demonic. My mom thought the same thing when the Christian school I went to banned HP because of the same reason. My mom read it, laughed at them (she TAUGHT at the school) and let me read them.

    I saw the movie. LOVED it. I agree with you about the ending, but I thought it was so well done that I wasn't too bitter. I loved McGonagall!

    Thank you thank you thank you. You said it sooooooo nicely. I wouldn't have been so nice.
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    I totally agree with your opinion of harry and voldemort's "jump". I wish they would have stuck to the book's depiction of the final battle. I also think they WAY underplayed Fred, Lupin, and Tonks' deaths. Other than that I absolutely loved the movie! From Snape's death on I cried for nearly the entire rest of the movie. It was soooo good and the ending was amazing!! I loved that they stuck with the nineteen years later thing from the end of the book:D:D Definitely something I will watch again and again!! :D
  • kristy0829
    kristy0829 Posts: 1 Member
    I saw the movie on Friday night at 8pm. 2D also. I have not read the books so I can not compare. There were a few parts that confused me probably because I didn't read the books, like why Harry got to "die" and come back to life. My favorite part was when he was looking into the story that Snape's tears where showing him. I never saw Snape being in love with Harry's mother coming! Or some of the other stuff his tears revealed. I really enjoyed it. I did find the "ending" a bit cheesy though with the whole "19 years later". I just feel like there could have been something better, it was too predictable. But for a fantasy, it was very entertaining and of course I loved the characters and the main plot of the story. Good always triumph's over evil!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I did find the "ending" a bit cheesy though with the whole "19 years later". I just feel like there could have been something better, it was too predictable.

    That part was in the book :)

    I thought the Snape's memory scene was done EXTREMELY well also! Alan Rickman did a phenomenal job... you could totally feel the love he had for Lily...
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I also think they WAY underplayed Fred, Lupin, and Tonks' deaths.

    me too! i wish they had shaved even 3 minutes of either the harry/voldemort battle or the waaay too long nagini chase scene to show that proper. especially fred!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    For those who believe HP is demonic: I majored in Theology, and let me tell you that the Harry Potter stories are as good as it gets. They teach wonderful theological and moral ideals, right up there with C.S. Lewis. In the first book alone: Harry's mother sacrifices herself to save her son from the bad guy, and that leaves a mark on him that makes the bad guy unable to touch him. Substitute Jesus for Harry's mom, the Devil for Voldemort, and each of us for Harry, and you basically have the New Testament.

    The magic they use in the books is *not* gained from making any compact with the devil. In J.K. Rowling's universe, magic is simply something you're born able to do (or not), like having double-jointed thumbs or a talent for music. It in no way promotes Satanism or any anti-Christian ideals. Quite the contrary. Here are some good quotes from the books:
    "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
    "It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."
    "Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."
    "It is important to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated."
    "There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."
    "...of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing. Nothing. That they all have a power beyond his own, a power beyond the reach of any magic, is a truth he has never grasped.”
    "If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign ... to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever."
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    did a hp marathon at the theatre last wk. 8movies in 4nites. it was awesome! of course i know that the movie wasn't gonna b like the book exactly b/c none of the other 7were. but i say it was worth the monies 2 go see it. heck i may c it twice!!

    it was what i had expected & more. :happy:
  • katiemarie02
    katiemarie02 Posts: 12 Member
    Have not seen it yet but definately looking forwrad to it. It was out here on Friday as well. I 'fumbled' and couldn't get tickets. Hope to see it this coming weekend. Read all the books. Thought it was a great fantasy piece. Keeps younger people reading so I'm happy for that. Read all the books myself. Thought they were cleverly written. From the reviews definately seems worth seeing. Thanks.
  • hannavasgreen
    hannavasgreen Posts: 27 Member
    I tried not to compare the books and the movies. If you look back at the movie they completely underplayed Tonks the entire time. I guess it was just one of those things where they had to make choices. I loved the books and the movies.

    My only prob with this movie was the lame Harry and Jenny kiss! If you though you were going to die don't you think you would really plant one on each other. William and Kates wedding kiss on the balcony had more passion than Harry and Jenny!
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    i'm not ashamed to admit im a bit of a harry potter nerd :smile: hell, my cat's name is Bellatrix lol

    i saw the movie today and pretty much loved every bit of it. the Snape scene definately made the movie for me...worth my money :smile:
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    I saw it tonight and LOVED it. Even though I read the book more than once, I was still on the edge of my seat for the last half of the movie. Like others said, I wish they spent more time on Fred, Tonks and Lupins death. But I did like the memory sequence from Snape. Really well done. I'm sad to see it end.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    We have seen every movie on opening weekend, and I am so going to miss this era in mine and my girls' lives. The movie was great, other than the over-the-top battle scene, and I too was waiting for that kiss that never came. I just want to say that I fell more and more in love with Neville over the course of watching the movies than I did reading the books. His strength of character really stood out for me as the movies progressed; I can't say he was that memorable for me in the books.

    I can't wait until the 7-part set comes out on DVD! Been a fan for so long that I have the first and second on vhs. I stopped buying them after the 4th and just decided to wait until the whole collection comes out together.