FRUSTRATION setting in...UGH!

I don't get it...I am not budging on the scale!!! I am eating in my range-calorie wise, I am exercising throughout the day. But suddenly, I've stopped! I thought for one day I was just temporarily stalled, but nooooooooooooooooo....I haven't budged at all for about a week.

I think I'm going to lose my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode:

Any suggestions to get the weight loss moving again????


  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I don't get it...I am not budging on the scale!!! I am eating in my range-calorie wise, I am exercising throughout the day. But suddenly, I've stopped! I thought for one day I was just temporarily stalled, but nooooooooooooooooo....I haven't budged at all for about a week.

    I think I'm going to lose my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode:

    Any suggestions to get the weight loss moving again????
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    When you have very little to lose it comes off very slowly. You've been here less than a month. Honestly, you might only lose 1/2-1 lb in a month, some months are like that for me and I weigh a lot more than you do. You need to be really really patient :flowerforyou:
  • wildfire68

    If you have been eating the allotted calories plus exercise calories you may need to take a day and go over.

    Your body knows the calories you ate the day before and uses that to calculate how many will be eaten the next day in order to produce the energy needed to function. It's like sending your body into starvation mode, by eating whatever you want one day out of 14 your body will not become complacant. In order to continue to lose you have to trick your body.

    Hope this helps some. Good luck and never give up :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sgtg4422001
    Just a thought - you need to "surprise" your body - vary your routine, i.e., 20-minute hard/intensive workout vs. 1-hour slow jog (if that's what you normally do). It's my understanding you need to constantly "keep the body guessing" and not let it "settle" or "adapt" to any particular routine. Key is to trick your metabolism into burning stored calories, vs. storing every calorie you intake. Hope this helps some.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    If you have been eating the allotted calories plus exercise calories you may need to take a day and go over.

    Your body knows the calories you ate the day before and uses that to calculate how many will be eaten the next day in order to produce the energy needed to function. It's like sending your body into starvation mode, by eating whatever you want one day out of 14 your body will not become complacant. In order to continue to lose you have to trick your body.

    Hope this helps some. Good luck and never give up :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I've tried that, and it worked for a whole whopping day...but then I swung right back up. I do not get it. I know people say to be patient...but good grief!!! I've been stuck here trying to be good for years!!! Joining this site was going to be the thing that actually got that last 15-20 pounds off. I'm whining...probably because I'm trying to hold back the tears of frustration that I can feel stinging my eyes. What gives??

    :blushing: Sorry about the whining...thank you for letting me vent. I doing the "pig out day" wrong? Do you think if I ate more food with less calories it might work?

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Just a thought - you need to "surprise" your body - vary your routine, i.e., 20-minute hard/intensive workout vs. 1-hour slow jog (if that's what you normally do). It's my understanding you need to constantly "keep the body guessing" and not let it "settle" or "adapt" to any particular routine. Key is to trick your metabolism into burning stored calories, vs. storing every calorie you intake. Hope this helps some.

    That's a good point. I have to spin cycle everyday, no matter what (knee rehab), but other than walkign my dog (which she needs to do everyday), I should mix up my routine. I ordered some new DVDs....maybe that will help. And you've got me thinking that maybe I need to start hitting the weights? I do regular stuff...sit-ups, push-ups, etc. with with some weight...but maybe I need to hit the big weight machines??? I don't know.

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    how tall are you? I'm curious because you're already in the 120's and your photo looks great. If you are at a healthy weight already, it is simply going to be VERY difficult to get those lbs off. Not everyone's body is capable of reaching and maintaining 112 lbs. I'm not saying that you can't do it, just that it could take YEARS to get there depending on your body. I know that I could never get that low, it just won't happen. Setting reasonable goals is really important. Why not just try toning up. Take measurements to track your goals instead of going by the scale?
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    how tall are you? I'm curious because you're already in the 120's and your photo looks great. If you are at a healthy weight already, it is simply going to be VERY difficult to get those lbs off. Not everyone's body is capable of reaching and maintaining 112 lbs. I'm not saying that you can't do it, just that it could take YEARS to get there depending on your body. I know that I could never get that low, it just won't happen. Setting reasonable goals is really important. Why not just try toning up. Take measurements to track your goals instead of going by the scale?

    I'm a GIANT, short pear. :happy: So what my photo hides is the part I don't want anyone to see, ya know? My doctor has advised me to drop my weight down to around 115 to be able to flex in my optimal healthy range. The more weight I get off my knees, the better. I had one of my knees reconstructed last for every extra pund of weight I carry, it adds many more pounds of stress weight to those areas. I think he's right too. Last summer I was down to 123 and was starting to feel really good and able to get around so much better. Now that I started gaining weight, I can actually feel the difference, and my knee hurts more.

    I like your idea of taking measurements. I use to do that a couple years back, when I was on Weight Watchers. Maybe I will try that to see if I'm actually building muscle.

    Off for a lunch break to get that metabolism up.

    Speaking of any suggestions for that????
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    Read Banks' post about this exact eye opener for me!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Read Banks' post about this exact eye opener for me!

    Everyone who joins this site should be required to read that post. :smile: I truly appreciate you sending that...because I'm COMPLETELY relating to the "Hit the Wall" part in a HUGE way!!!! (And maybe the "not believing in myself" part a little too...okay maybe a lot). I think it's been so long that I have tried so hard to get to where I need, without success, that I do NOT believe I'm ever REALLY going to do it. It's the whole frustration thing welling up inside me.:cry: I hit the wall so long ago...and it seems that every time I try something new, I'm still running right into that wall.

    I guess I'm looking for that break through moment...the one where I'm not starving myself or trying some crazy unhealthy diet just to get down to that weight, to have it just shoot right back on up with extra! I did get down to the weight my doctor wanted me at before...on South Beach. that was body needed healthy crabs, so instead of just needing to lose 10 pounds at that time...I shot back so bad, I added another 15+ pounds to that. This led to me blowing out my left knee 3 times in two years....then reconstructive surgery. UGH!

    I'd love to hear how people finally broke through "the wall" to get to their final weight. :smile:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Read Banks' post about this exact eye opener for me!

    By-the-way, THANK YOU for posting that post for me/us!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Okay...I got The Shred in the mail yesterday and ran to the DVD player to use it. It was great. And I ended up FINALLY moving that scale again, and down!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!

    Has anyone ever tried that DVD?
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Just a thought - you need to "surprise" your body - vary your routine, i.e., 20-minute hard/intensive workout vs. 1-hour slow jog (if that's what you normally do). It's my understanding you need to constantly "keep the body guessing" and not let it "settle" or "adapt" to any particular routine. Key is to trick your metabolism into burning stored calories, vs. storing every calorie you intake. Hope this helps some.

    Hey...just wanted you to know that this really worked for me!!!! Thanks!!!!!!