Hi friends

I'm 61, had RNY in 2004, lost 167, regained 90. Trying to get it off. I'm setting short-term goals. First, log into MFP at least 3 times a week.
Second, Get to water exercise at least twice a week.
Since I'm now retired, I also need to get to the humane society and do my volunteer work.
I also want to write at least twice a week (I was a journalist).
These are baby steps for me. If I look for big things, I may fail and get discouraged.
Hope I get to know some of you.


  • synthiame
    synthiame Posts: 3 Member
    I have lost 28 lbs since Aug 15th. Almost 16" Problem is i have stalled for 8wks now. I am on 1200 cal 15 carbs protein 70 fat 98.I'm doing everything right. Can anyone giveme advice? Cindy