32yrs old need to 30-35lbs Help please

Hi. I'm 32 no children and I'm the heaviest I have ever been 155lbs I don't know where weight came from I was always super skinny in school and could eat whatever I wanted I remember drinking weight gain shakes in school wow lol. I'm trying to cut back on meat as much as possible. Only eating 1200 calories per day. Any meal and snacks ideas would be great. At home exercises too. Thanks


  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    How tall are you? Im almost 31 and am also aiming to lose 30 lbs. My start weight was 166 and im 5'10".
  • loveconquersall3400
    I'm short 5'2" so per the doctor I'm over weight
  • eday79
    eday79 Posts: 86 Member
    Check that your calorie intake is correct, I recommend that you focus on increasing your protein, it should be around 0.8g per lb lean body mass. I use iifym.com to calculate calories & recommended protein, carb & fat intake. It takes into account age, weight, activity level & goals.
    Im 5'3", I was also skinny when younger. After 5 children i have lost 34lbs, going from 144lbs to 110lbs. At 110lbs I was slim but 'skinny fat'. I wanted to add more and shape to my physique, so I decided to focus more on lifting weights and paying attention to not only my calories but my protein carbs and fat intake. I am now 119lbs and look the best I have you looked so far, still petite but more curves in the right places. I am passionate about training, it's become a way of life and I have picked up some knowledge along the way and I understand some of the hurdles- physical, mental and emotional LOL, so add me if you like. I'm trying to add more to my diary log, I mainly use it to track my meals rather than exercise & my weight. But you can ask me questions or I can offer support along the way.
    Best wishes for your journey
  • milla1985
    milla1985 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi there and good morning from Switzerland!

    We are in exactly the same situation - same age, same height, same weight and same weight loss goal. Happy to help each other in this.

    I'm just about to start a 90 day diet and exercise programme run by Joe Wicks so will be logging my meals and exercises on here, if that helps?

    We can do this!
  • loveconquersall3400
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions!!!!
  • girlwithanimpact
    girlwithanimpact Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in the same boat pretty much! Turn 29 next month and was 118-120 in my later school years. Now I'm close to 150! I was the heaviest I've ever been when I started MFP about a month ago. Love that it puts all my food choices right in front of me and forces me to confront and change them. It's made me think a lot differently about what and how often I eat certain things. O know I'm going to be a slow loser due to being hypothyroid, but I want to be in this for the long haul! Feel free to add me.