Anyone overcome emotional eating?

I have a bad problem that I over eat when I'm depressed or bored. Usually its at night.

LAST NIGHT I KICKED THE URGE IN THE BUTT THOUGH!!! YAY ME and thank you skim milk and sugar free chocolate syrup!

I want to hear your story =) I need motivation... or to see i'm not alone.


  • mom2my3boys
    I have a bad problem that I over eat when I'm depressed or bored. Usually its at night.

    LAST NIGHT I KICKED THE URGE IN THE BUTT THOUGH!!! YAY ME and thank you skim milk and sugar free chocolate syrup!

    I want to hear your story =) I need motivation... or to see i'm not alone.
  • jessangel
    I am a stay at home mom and I tend to get stressed easily hint: why I need to lose this weight I am also a emotional eater. It seems to help me not to have all that much junk types of food in my house so I cannot eat unhealthy and I try to find some healthy snacks. such as low fat graham crackers and 1/4 cup of fat free whip topping in the center of two whole crackers and freeze them.. Aww. they taste kinda like those cookies with the ice creem in the middle but they are low fat. to say no to a lof of food we are used to are hard. and easy to just give up and eat. but lets keep our heads up and figure this out together.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I do the same thing...Especially at night.
    You are not alone..I just wish I could kick the bucket as far as being an emotional eater.
  • carla529
    Emotional eating has always been a big problem for me. I denied it for a long time, thinking that I don't eat anymore than anyone else....and I thought how can it be emotional eating? I was eating no more than three meals a day. It's WHAT I was eating that made me realize this and HOW that eating made me feel. When I eat a cheesburger, hot wings, cake, makes me feel good. Temporarily. Just like a drug addict. WHEN I was eating these things also made me realize my problem. When I would get stressful news or have a bad day, dinner would always make me feel long as it was really fattening or sugary. Sodas would also do the trick. Food addiction or emotional's all the same for me. I ate, I felt better. Then I would feel guilty for what I ate.

    As a child, my mother passed away when I was six. My dad took on two jobs, so my sister and I stayed with my grandparents alot. Everytime we'd go over there, we'd get spoiled rotten. We got to go to Toys R Us and get toys and go wherever we wanted to eat. My grandmother would take us to the grocery store and we'd get to pick out whatever we wanted. I'm sure they were just trying to provide a fun place for us to be, to take our minds off the tradgedy of losing our mother. However, food become a comfort. A release of emotions. It was fun to go to grandma's and bake brownies and pound cakes and experiment in her kitchen with all sorts of cooking. None of it was healthy of course. How many kids do you know that want to cook up a chicken breast and veggies??? :tongue:

    As an adult, due to life circumstances, I decided to pursue a career in counseling. In graduate school I took Addictive and Compulsive Disorders. This class not only helped me understand my mother's addiction to alcohol, which took her helped me understand my addiction to food. All those yummy things we like to eat release serotonin in our brains just like many drugs will do. I took this class 3 years ago and I'm just now doing something about it. Although I was educated, I wasn't ready to make the change. It all made sense to me, I just didn't care enough about myself to make the change. Food is like any other choice in life. You have to make a decision. Decide you want something better for yourself, your family, your life. Just as someone turns to drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes in a time of emotional turmoil....we turn to food. And just like someone that enters rehab to kick their addiction....we have to take it one day at a time and know that we need support from others who stuggle with the same issues. I'm a firm believer that you can learn more from those who have experienced what you're going through then some textbook that gives you scientific explanations. That's why I'm so grateful I found this site and it's members!!! The value in that is immeasurable. :smile:
  • cmsdives
    :grumble: You are SO not alone!!!!! I am a notorious emotional eater - bored, depressed, sad, mad, frustrated, you name it! I am so excited for you that you kicked butt last night!!! I still haven't figured out a way to do the same. I think that some of it is now habit - for example, I have 2 miniature dashchunds who often wake me up at 2AM to go potty. What do I do while I am waiting for them to potty? Yep, I raid the fridge and pantry! Go figure. :huh:

    I've also found myself having a discussion/argument with myself as I'm standing at the fridge or pantry - do I want/need to eat something? No? But no one will know so go ahead and eat it. You'll feel better if you eat that piece (or multiple pieces) of [fill in the blank]. OF COURSE someone will know because it will go straight to my already enormous posterior!!! OF COURSE I won't feel better if I eat that piece (or multiple pieces) of whatever! But what do I do? - I ignore the rational side and EAT, EAT, EAT!!!!! :angry:

    And I don't know about you, but once I start eating you can forget about stopping. It's like the on/off switch is stuck in the 'on' position and I can't stop.......sometimes it's like I'm trying to fill this unfillable hole somewhere in me with food......(like THAT'S gonna happen)

    Anyway, don't feel alone in this, I think I can relate and agree that it sucks!! The one thing I have learned is that, for me anyway, it's not a "day by day" thing as far as staying on the wagon and outsmarting the binge monster - it's a moment by moment thing and I fall victim to that monster more often than I kick its butt. Just do your best to remember that awesome feeling from last night the next time that ugly monster tries to beat you down. You can do it!!!! (I should listen to my own advice, huh? - I'm just so much better at giving it!!! :laugh: )
  • nik433
    nik433 Posts: 57
    I don't keep bad foods in the house, that way there's no chance you'll overeat crap food because it's not even around! :) I don't have any self control at the grocery store either, if I see something I want, regardless of it's health value, I'll buy it - especially if it's on sale! To combat this I have my groceries delivered now. This way I can see whats in my cart and be smarter about my food purchases. Has helped keep the food bill lower too! :smile:

    Ultimately, the secret to overcoming emotional eating is to fix what's emotional in your life first. If that means seeing a counselor to dig up the root of the problems, so be it. Working on your stress levels and finding ways to decrease the stress in your life, so be it. I struggle with nighttime eating every day. For me its because I'm bored and doing nothing productive, just watching tv. So now I try to do something to keep myself busy - organizing things, cleaning, lifting weights or doing crunches while watching tv, playing wii games, etc. Changing your relationship with food and finding something else to fill the time and/or emotions, is the only way to overcome it all. It's a struggle I have not mastered yet. :ohwell:
  • cmsdives
    Carla, thanks for your post. If it's okay with you, I'd like to print it out and put it on my fridge. Your analogy of food to a drug really hit home for me and I think that what you wrote in the last paragraph makes so much sense. Sometimes I actually wish I was addicted to food or gambling - at least you can actually completely remove those things from your, not so much. Maybe if I stop and reread your wise words before opening that refridgerator door I won't open it.........

    Thanks again,
    Carla :noway: (yep - my name too! :drinker: )
  • vanessadawn
    sometimes it feels like you can't resist binging or overeating, and sometimes you may legitimately be starving and then your body's natural survival instincts kick in and try to make you binge. I always convince myself to drink a large glass of water, possibly snack on some carrot sticks or an apple and see how I feel afterward. Although the water usually fills me up and also gives me more time to rethink my overeating choices. good luck :flowerforyou:
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    ME ME ME!!!!
    Any old emotion will do for this chick...oh yes- anticipation, worry, boredom, stress, annoyed, curious whatever...its gotten SO much better, but I still have to keep it in check.

    One thing I noticed for sure is that I ate to soothe over my feelings...i ate to cover them up, distract myself from feeling whatever it was. I ate to calm myself down, to comfort, distract, cover up, ignore, blah blah goes on and on. I had a reason for all of it.
    When I started to realize this and STOP it, I did notice that my emotions were all over the board for a while...I'd be just fine, then bam! something would hit and I'd cry, or I'd scream, fight, whatever.
    I felt like one big raw nerve exposed to the world. I was SO not used to feeling all this.

    Once I determined that I was not insane when I was experiencing all this, I realized that it was some kind of reation to the feelings I had ignored/covered/distracted with food for so long so its like I wasnt used to feeling them, wasnt used to having to react to things, etc. In some cases, I had to learn to feel the emotions and the normal reactions, etc. Around this time, I learned about a concept of FEEL IT DONT FEED IT and I loved it...ok, feel bad. It wont last. Feel happy- feel frustrated, its working though all those emotions that eventually helped me come to terms with actually feeling something instead of just feeeding it.

    So I dont know if anyone else experieinces it...but the 'raw nerves of emotion' might be there under the surface once the emotions arent being soothed with food any longer.
  • greeneyedgirl829
    I have always been an emotional eater in one way or another. Congratulations!!! Food? Sad? Food!!! Etc, etc, I'm sure everyone in this post knows what I mean. Emotional eating for me took on a life of it's own in the last few years though. I've been through alot, put soooooooo much unbelieveable stress on myself, and so alot of the time I would just give in and just go for it. SO not good for me, and I know that now. I posted on this a while back about having a conversation with youself, and I do this. Will the pain and the stress still be there if you devour a dozen cookies? Of course. I work to avoid these things now, and I don't buy the foods that would induce this. Also I drink water, work out, and talk to myself like a totally crazy person :laugh: Good luck and congratulations on your resistance!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • carla529
    absolutely carla! thanks! :smile:
  • mom2my3boys
    THANKS its great to hear im not alone.

    its 8 pm and no urges yet...

    but i deff want to do something active since i didnt get to the gym today. I crave it. and I will go for a walk later after this.

    I just realized in the last few months that i'm a emotional eater... so day 2 of kicking it is almost gone.

    I was stuck at the same weight forthe last few weeks and thats another bummer for me so i guess trying to keeping going has been difficult.

    I just want to lose this weight. I read a pound of fat is roughly aroun 3500 cals so burning so if i burn an extra 500 calories a day should i see a pound gone in a week? is that how it works?
  • crosstitcher0563
    I am single and live alone. So I try not to buy stuff that isn't a good food choice. MFP has really taught me about serving sizes. I used to eat a whole box of Stove top stuffing for lunch! Do you know how many calories that is? 1/4 cup is 480 calories! I learned to eat smaller portions of the food high in calories. I also learned that you can eat a lot of food of the lower calorie stuff. Keeping busy with things to do helps you forget food.

    My mother always tells me "Drink some water" when I'm hungry. So, I save a snack like fruit and water before bed. Be careful about the water JUST before bed! :laugh:

    I bought some weight watchers ice cream while it was on sale. Boy, it tasted great after a work out. It's 1/2 cup of ice cream for about 170 calories. That disappeared fast!

    Mostly, I try to remember that I want to be thin more than I want that food. I can eat anything I want--just in small portions and not all at once!