Intermittent fasting.

Looking for people doing the same way of eating to help each other along the way. Been following the 16/8 way for about 2 weeks now and am loving the simplicity of it and I'm 6lbs down and not missing any food or having any cravings. Add me or comment on here


  • Lesleyjane63
    Lesleyjane63 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes me too. Started on the 1st. Have had success with it before but let it slide. Lost 9lb so far but most of it is Christmas fat
  • oceaneriver0
    oceaneriver0 Posts: 6 Member
    Ive done or for a while too but why not doing it again! Am in! But what time on a day you like to be your earing window?am stopping having food at 6/6:30pmnz
  • Hermie123451982
    Hermie123451982 Posts: 190 Member
    I eat between 12-8 and fast for the other 16 but have stretched it to up to 20 hours fasted not through choice but because of work commitments. Didn't notice any hunger on the 20 hour ones though. Good luck.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I have been doing 16/8 for a few years and it has helped me immensely. I welcome friend requests. :)
  • 1RogueRunner1
    1RogueRunner1 Posts: 21 Member
    16/8 has always worked well for me. I'm not big on eating early in the morning so I skip breakfast and then I get so caught up with my day that I don't eat until later anyway
  • Hermie123451982
    Hermie123451982 Posts: 190 Member
    Anyone else doing any kind of fasting add away
  • elena0559
    elena0559 Posts: 29 Member
    I eat between 12-8 and fast for the other 16 but have stretched it to up to 20 hours fasted not through choice but because of work commitments. Didn't notice any hunger on the 20 hour ones though. Good luck.

    This almost exactly what I have started since this Monday. I go for at least 16. This is my first week and I'm hoping to stick with it. Wish me luck for the weekend
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member

    I'm part of this group. I do one meal a day. :smile:
  • eday79
    eday79 Posts: 86 Member
    edited January 2017
    16/8 has always worked well for me. I'm not big on eating early in the morning so I skip breakfast and then I get so caught up with my day that I don't eat until later anyway

    I love the flexibility of it!
    Me either, it takes a couple hours for my appetite to kick in. I find that IF works well with my goals and my natural appetite cycle, especially when my macros are tracked and targets met.

  • Hermie123451982
    Hermie123451982 Posts: 190 Member
    Another loss this week :-) loving this way of life.
  • Hermie123451982
    Hermie123451982 Posts: 190 Member
    Good luck everyone.
  • Hermie123451982
    Hermie123451982 Posts: 190 Member
  • daqtestpixie
    daqtestpixie Posts: 4 Member
    Been doing it for about three months now. I do 16/8 on weekdays and 14/10 on weekends (when I'm home the hunger kicks in early and most times I workout in the morning on weekends). I eat from 1pm to 8 pm but most times by 6pm I'm done for the night. I love IF since it allows me to indulge when I need to without the guilt! I've lost a few pounds but I didn't have much to lose to begin with. Seeing more results with my workouts. I am definitely leaner! I love intermittent fasting!
  • akourdi
    akourdi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all.Just started yesterday..I really like the fact that I do not have to worry about what to eat for the whole day. Doing the 16 hours fasting per day..Quick question: Do you need to be on a restricted calorie intake to lose weight or just the fasting will do no matter the amount of caloric intake? Only have 15 pounds to lose but it has been quite difficult..Thx
  • abrooks54
    abrooks54 Posts: 45 Member
    You definitely still have be under your TDEE to drop the weight. You'll get the other fasting benefits without though.
  • Hermie123451982
    Hermie123451982 Posts: 190 Member
    Anymore new people following this way of eating. So glad I found it
  • QueenKK91
    QueenKK91 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing a mix of IF and paleo, along with keeping carbs under 20 g a day. I've lost 57 pounds in 3 months (no exercise either). I have 35.8 more pounds that I want to lose! I follow a 20/4 schedule though! I eat about 1200 calories a day if I log it (I don't usually log my food).
  • mjungsmiles
    mjungsmiles Posts: 6 Member
    Just started a couple days ago. Could use support from those who have been on it much longer than myself! Please add me as a friend. Thank you!
  • abundantlyme
    abundantlyme Posts: 44 Member
    I've just started doing the 16/8 thing too, today. Add me!
  • tbullucks2006
    tbullucks2006 Posts: 105 Member
    Everyone please add me! I just started this on Sunday and I would love to see your progress!